I have slipped into HTML hell......I am ready to pay to have my own creation hosted. It is just so hard to work around other's blog scripts. It is like working around my elbows to get to my arse. heh
PLEASE let me know if you see my page as you should be seeing it.
It SHOULD be pale yellow background. The bold title type and links should be blue and the post type should be dark mauve.
This is how the page shows in "preview" but not on a regular load. What am I doing wrong??!!
::::::::::::uncontrollable sobbing:::::::::::::::::::
Take a look at this early picture of Mars from the Rover!!
I fell asleep listening to the news last night. The anchor was talking to John Kerry about coming to Missouri for the Primary on Wednesday. They were talking about Dick Gephardt dropping out of the race and how does Kerry feel about this.......
Kerry says........"There are still A LOT of ways that Dick can serve the country."
Am I the only one that found that funny?? {giggle}
On a serious note though......
Kerry did state the he and Gephardt have been friends for 20 years and how a key player on Gephardts party has now moved over to Kerry. I have never been a huge fan of Gephardt..........Actually until NOW I have NEVER gotten into politics at all. I have no idea what ideas or plans these guys have on changing all that Bush destroyed and a question that has been eating me for years- WHY DO THEY KISS BABIES??! heh
Anyway- I WAS looking VERY hard at CLARK and the past couple days heard that he will most likely "throw in the towel", I also trust my friends opinions very much and A likes Kerry.
Looks like I have some homework to do!
....this is all I heard all through elementry school. {My name being Patricia and all}
and today, thank you, Rue for bringing it to my attention, I see THIS........
::::::::Act 1220 of 2003 requires public schools to calculate a body mass index
once a year on each student and send the scores home on report cards.
It also established the Child Health Advisory Committee to implement the new requirement.::::::
uggggggggg...I just can't stomache it............
just for fun....you can read THIS too.
My headaches are back. It started yesterday afternoon and the pain is pretty intense today. No, it is not from the ice scraping, however, I do see a trend with these bad spells I go through.
When I get together with the girls, I drink. I am a drinker, takes quite a bit to get me snookered and I LIKE to be snookered!
Well- I went out and got snookered on Friday........Headaches started three days later.
Same thing happened last time I went out.
Ok- yeah- to admit that was hard! Will I have to give up alcohol? uggggg
How does alcohol affect CSP?? {Cerebral Spinal Fluid}
I need answers.........must ask to google gods for assistance!
Bayless and Affton are the only two schools in St Louis that are open or not on a snow schedule today.
{damn county schools!!}
I was willing them to close too, dreading the scraping of my car! No such luck for me this morning!
So I trudge outside to my poor, frozen 1989 escort. I had to pry the door open, once in, she started right away!
WOW! What a god car! An oldie but a goodie! So I turn on the defroster for the front and the back, put on my gloves and grab the scraper. Knocking off the snow, I notice that it looked like diamonds. It was beautiful! Too bad what was under it had to be so damn ugly! My front windshield had 1/2 in of ice and the back had 1/4 in. It took me 45 minutes of scraping and warming the car to get it to where I would be able to see enough to get the kids to school! I just didn't have enough arm strength to chip that ice off! I am exhausted!
Do I win some kinda prize for having the most ice on my car? Cuz I know I must have!
Time for a power nap!
We finally got our picture from the Sns Christmas party. The pic is on my photo blog too if you wanna see a bigger version.
This info came through one of my groups........VERY worth looking into!
If you are at all concerned with people knowing where you go or what
you do on yahoo......check it out.
Yahoo can track us and see what kind of sites we are looking at!!
BUT, ALSO HOW TO OPT OUT OF IT!! Which I did, first thing!
Here's how....
"Yahoo is now using something called "Web Beacons" to track
Yahoo Group users around the net and see what you're doing and
where you are going - similar to cookies.
Take a look at their updated privacy statement:
About half-way down the page, in the section "Outside the Yahoo!
Network", you'll see a little "click here" link that will let you
"opt-out" of their new method of snooping. I strongly recommend
that you do this.
Once you have clicked that li! nk, you are opted out. Notice
the "Success" message the top the next page. Be careful because on
that page there is a "Cancel Opt-out" button that, if clicked,
will *undo** the opt-out. Feel free to forward this to other groups.
Of course, if you don't mind Yahoo recording every website and
every group you visit you should ignore this message.
Tonight at midnight it is going to start to ICE, by 6 am we will have 1/2 inch of ice on the ground, power lines and homes.
PLEASE everyone be careful! Stay inside and do this SUNNY SPELL.........By~~Elizabeth Barrette
Grab a orange, hold it in your hands and visualize it all aglow with sunny power. Then, as you eat the orange, silently say this verse:
The light of the Sun for health,
The gold of the Sun for wealth.
You are what you eat.
The spell is complete.
~~Remember to save the peel for potpourri or for a special gri-gri bag.
{ This spell is good all winter long as Vitamin C wards off colds and keeps us healthy and oranges represent the warm, bright energy of the Sun and its prosperity and propensity to keep us happy! }
Sometimes you just need to cut loose………
I went out last night. I wasn’t going to, had the flu all week, headache still earlier in the day, thought going out would not be the thing to do but I was so glad that I did.
Got together with the St Louis group I belong to and went to House of Rock to see Trixie Delight! They are a DELIGHT! WOW! What a wonderful group! If you have not seen these girls yet-PLEASE-check out their web page and go see them, you will NOT be disappointed! They were freakin’ awesome!
So I got to drinkin’ my normal Amoretto Sours….ummmm….and then had a shot or 2 of Jeigermeister…..and then this wonderfully beautiful waitress was walking around with shots of TEQUILA ROSE!!!! HELLO!! TEQUILA ROSE my absolute fave!
By the time we left I was feeling no pain- thank goodness-headache was gone! I was happy and free! The women in our group are just too my fun! We laugh the whole time we are together! After I get a couple shots in me I go out and recruit other women to join our group! I am now officially the group – PIMP…….heheheheh
I did recruit a marvelous woman but I will not say who here, you will just have to join the group to find out. {Closed BI group, no men, email me if interested- lady_persephone1227@yahoo.com}
It is time for the
At this moment, what is your favorite...
1. ...song? Nickelback-Figured You Out
2. ...food? Applebees Burbon Street Steak
3. ...tv show? Law & Order {all of them}
4. ...scent? Rain
5. ...quote? "The best thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return."
Well you might have found the last post to be a bit depressing. {I am trying to come to terms with my stuff}
So here is something that might humor you a bit........Titled.......
Sleeping with my kitty katz
Just to recap this week {so as not to make this post too long}
Monday- Baby gate comes crashing down in hallway at 1:45AM; I jump out of bed to find one cat clinging to the wall and the other crunched on the floor below her. I hop back in bed and fall asleep listening to them chase each other up and down the hallway.
Tuesday-Peaceful sleep........sound of soft purring....awwwwww......open eyes to snuggle and find Cat ASS in face!
Wednesday-sleeping on stomach, awakened by a Sidda pounce on my back, I roll over so she can snuggle and I fall back to sleep... a few seconds later she is nursing on my ear lobe!
Thursday- Ok I have NO IDEA what the heck happened this night all I know is I went to bed in 'jamas and I woke up naked!
Friday-Wake up-Sidda nursing on ear.....go to the bathroom, pick up 2 rolls of TP that was drug out all over the hallway, finish going to the bathroom, walk back to bed and step on A DEAD HAMSTER!
{{Giggle}} I love my babies!!
Hey look what I found......me in 2000 After Brain Surgery sitting with my brother. We looked like twins!{ click here if you wanna read about it }
This came to me in an email from one of the ladies in my group- I HAD to share.........
Fifteen Things to do at Wal-Mart while your spouse is taking her/his sweet
1. Get 24 boxes of condoms & randomly put them in people's carts when they
aren't looking.
2. Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5 minute intervals.
3. Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the rest rooms.
4. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, 'Code 3' in
house wares and see what happens.
5. Go to the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay away.
6. Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.
7. Set up a tent in the camping department and tell other shoppers you'll
invite them in if they bring pillows from the bedding department.
8. When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask "Why can't
you people just leave me alone?"
9! . Look right into the security camera, use it as a mirror and pick your
10. While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he knows
where the anti-depressants are.
11. Dart around the store suspiciously while loudly humming the theme from
"Mission Impossible."
12. In the auto department, practice your "Madonna look" using different
size funnels.
13. Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through, say "PICK ME!
14. When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal
position and scream "NO! NO! It's those voices again!!!"
And last but not least...
15. Go into a fitting room, shut the door and wait a while, and then yell
loudly "There's no toilet paper in here."
When did I become so engaged in my surroundings that I forgot what my husband felt like?
Has that ever happened to you?
Yesterday, while my hubby was getting dressed, I stood in front of him, stretched my body-arms in the air and gently brought my hands down around his neck. His arms went around my waist. We stood there nuzzling each other for what seemed like an eternity. It felt so fantastic! His skin, warmth, breath, hair, his essence.........
What if he went to work without that hug and never came home? It happens-everyday. I just take for granted that he will be there but reality states {this day in age....heh-Bush} our loved ones can be taken from us without notice.
I don't mean for that to be depressing at all- just a reminder to myself {and maybe others as well} GO HUG SOMEONE YOU LOVE RIGHT NOW! It only takes a second-feels like forever-and you will feel so much lighter inside!
Welp-It is 7:17AM on this BEAUTIFUL Thursday morning. The children are awake and ...........seems that I have infected two of them with the influenza bug . humph This should be a very interesting day indeed!
Child Support, Disabilities, Money in general……
…….I think I have just about had it. Last night I got a phone call from my ex, bio-dad of the children. We have been divorced now for many years, he WAS paying child support pretty regular for a couple years until he decided to move home with his mommy and get drunk. He is an alcoholic. I went through many years of Al-anon with this man-learning that I needed to change myself, leave him be. It was hell, too much hell for a 6am blog.So he calls me-DRUNK-I, in the softest tone I can manage, say, “how are you?” He grunts…..this is how the conversation goes.
He hasn’t spoken to the children since July. In July he was here, on his way to Nevada, he told the children that he would call. Ok so he DID call, six months later and ONLY after I called his mother earlier that day to make sure he was still alive. He now expects me to let him speak to the children. The same children that I have had to comfort through six months of broken promises, broken hearts, tears. I wouldn’t let him- Was I wrong to not let him talk to them? He was slurring speech…could have made MORE hollow promises?? Am I wrong for protecting them?
So, being the alcoholic that he is, he blames me for their upset. OF COURSE it is my fault-well why the hell didn’t I think of that!! Could have saved myself a hell of a lot of heart break! So- {forgetting all that Al-anon had taught me} I say, "it is a little hard to pay for long distance for them to call you when you aren’t paying child support!!!"
He says…”grunt…wha?? I pay…well YOU better call someone then!”
Right...........it was then that I realized- USE WHAT THE GODS GIVE YOU TO USE damn it!!!!
I am counting pennies to eat here! Going to the ^^*&^ Salvation Army to feed my kids and I have a dead beat dad that owes back child support and a disability that I can USE to get what I NEED to get by.
I have never been that type of person. The type of person that says “YOU OWE ME….because…” Now the child support is a given. To me if he doesn’t want to support his children, he is just making his own bed. I will never talk bad about him in front of them but they do know that because he isn’t working he is not sending support. I am just going to have to start looking at this like Judge Judy does….He helped me make these children….he WILL help me pay for them too! As of today, the child support case will be moved to MY state of residence and I will get MORE that what he wants to pay.
{Side note-we were divorced in Florida, as far as the child support, he was able to choose an amount feasible to what he thought he could pay, which for an electrician is very low-$418. for three children a month-as I dumb ass I just agreed}
As far as my disability status, I am planning on getting my handicap plates so that I do not make myself ill by walking too far when I do not need to or on bad days. Those of you that know me know that I will only use it when I most desperately need to anyway. {Just can’t stand the title} I will also get food stamps and anything else my DFS office will help me out with.
I had a really bad experience with the Salvation Army because I didn’t tell them about the cost of my trips to Columbia for doctors appointments and surgeries when we where going though my finances. I didn’t tell them because I didn’t want to “USE” my disability to get “freebies”., but damn it……I have it…….I may as well use it!!!!
whooooooo----needed to get that off my chest!!!!
Celtic Tree Month of Rowan begins..........
The psychic energy inherent in the rowan tree made it a potent tool for divination, it has also been used for protecting dwellings, barns and graveyards and to enhance healing. You can also use Rowan to increase your own sense of inner power.
Whether you have access to the rowan tree or not, you can use the energy of the Rowan Moon to enhance divination. After moonrise, and before performing divination rituals, you should make an offering of white wine chanting a charm to connect with the rowan's phychic power.
Power of rowan, ancient and strong,
Help me discern the correct from the wrong;
Open my eyes with your power this night,
Bless me with your power of second sight.
~~~Edain McCoy
So I have found my way back to the computer. I am feeling a bit better. Boy that bug that invaded my body did me in for a good 48 hours! I could not even stand. I was almost delirious. Had a fever, headache, nausea, no vomiting, so I am not sure if it was the flu or not but man I want it to be gone. Right now I am feeling a bit better. I have started sneezing uncontrollably-maybe I am trying to sneeze it out of me!
So I think I am done with Quizilla for a couple months. The quizzes are great time waisters and the glass rose and element ones really hit home the rest were just really funny! Especially the funny bunny one!
Time to lay back down for a bit- I had better take advantage of the time I have to lay down. I do not have this time-ever.
Fire. Impulsive. Unlike Air, you do jump before you
look. When you have something in mind, you
won't let go. You have a strong will, and will
do anything to get what you want. From time to
time you can forget that other people have
feelings too, but at most, you're a happy
jumping friend.
What is your element?
brought to you by Quizilla
congratulations. you are the "you smell like
butt" bunny. your brutally honest and
always say whats on your mind.
which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Your soul is bound to the Glass Rose: The
"My heart lies somewhere between perfection
and dust. And while my soul is a sight to
behold, I shatter at the blink of an
The Glass Rose is associated with perfection,
beauty, and frailty. It is governed by the
goddess Aphrodite and its sign is the Looking
Glass, or Tenuous Love.
As a Glass Rose, you have a beautiful soul and
naturally attract people to you. Love comes
naturally to you, but it hardly ever lasts.
Though you embody the perfect form of love,
your own faults are your own undoing.
What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To?
brought to you by Quizilla
Went Blog surfing.....Seems to be my hobby of choice the past 48 hours. I found this guy....Ford W. Maverick. I click on the link because the title of the blog caught my eye! The first thing I notice on the page was Stanza 1 from "The Inferno" -Dante Alighieri.......*quick intake of air* I LOVE Dante!
I start to read through the past couple of days on this blog, he has a very familiar since of humor. I like it and I think my hubby would too. I am going to recommend this guy. Then I notice he has a yahoo profile.......on it he states he is from West, By-God, Virginia. I had to LOL. No wonder I like the humor, Hubby is from the same place. Wonder if they know each other?!
WHOOHOOOOO I got my old comments back!!! Thank you HALOSCAN!!!! Jeevan, you are the best! I am so glad you took over for Harry {of BlogSpeak} And Harry- no worries! I am sure most of us understand-sh*t happens! Take care of yourself!
It is sad, really……….
Since the “Friday Five” this morning, something has been on my mind. Question # 4 asks if you have ever received an engraved gift? My answer- A Xmas ornament from my sister, engraved with the year we found each other.
The story goes; in 1997 at age 25 I found out I had a bio-dad. I got myself a job where I did skip tracing, worked that job two weeks, just long enough to find him. I contacted his mother first-she was not surprised. I later found that I have two sisters and a brother. Christy is 28 now, Samantha is 26 {I think} and Robbie is 7 days older than me {yep-you heard me right! 7 days} my dad the ho!
I never got along with Samantha; she is an Escort, has children of many fathers and lives off our taxes. I only met Robbie for 5 minutes at the airport, but Christy and I hit it off very well. So well in fact, I gave up my comfy residence in Columbia, MO to move in with her in Jax, FL. I lived with her for 5 months and had to get my own place. Two women, two men and {at the time} six kids in a three bedroom home was a little nuts!
We kept in touch pretty much but our relations started to fall apart when I moved. We didn’t talk as much and we didn’t spend as much time together. I finally picked up and moved back to MO. I hated to leave her but many reasons drove me home, my health being number one!
I have been home now since 2001. Christy and I have spoken to each other maybe 8 times. That includes phone and Internet.
Christy has five boys. Chris is the same age as Brittany, John is 10, TJ is her step son and the same age as John, Alex is 5 he was born on my birthday {I was there for the birth}, and Brandon who is two and sick. I don’t know what all is wrong with Brandon or how serious it is because we were not talking. I didn’t even know she was pregnant again for a long time.
So what is sad is, I think I miss her. Yeah….. I think….. I do sometimes and then I remember the way she ended our relationship, the way she treated me, liked I owed her something-like my life! I really miss the boys. I miss seeing them grow, I miss being in their lives. I want them to know that I exist. Will they remember me?
I spent some time tonight looking her up. Here is the most recent picture of the boys.
From lft to rght….Chris, TJ, John, Brandon and Alex. They have gotten so big! I really do have to say that she has done an awesome job!
I also found a way that I can keep track of her even if she doesn’t want to talk to me. I found an “eboards4all” list she belongs to. I know this is spying and really not like me at all but tonight it seems to be the thing to do. She talks a lot about Brandon on this board, at least I can keep track of the boys this way.
So am I a sad, pathetic excuse for human life tonight or what??
1. What does it say in the signature line of your emails? ~~Trish www.profoundpassions.blogspot.com
The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn Is Just To Love And Be Loved In Return!<---from MR of course!
2. Did you have a senior quote in your high school yearbook? What was it? If you haven't graduated yet, what would you like your quote to be? didn't get that far.....:( finished on my own.
3. If you had vanity plates on your car, what would they read? If you already have them, what do they say?
PWR XCHG or something relating to our BDSM relationship!
4. Have you received any gifts with messages engraved upon them? What did the inscription say? Xmas ornament from my sis with our names and the year we found each other and soap that says "Blessed Be"
5. What would you like your epitaph to be? ~Loving wife, mother and friend..........
I had one all written out awhile ago {when I did my will} and I can't freakin' remember it now....I must go find it!
Just a quick note. If you tried to call me today, I have to apologize. The drive yesterday hit me pretty hard and I had the ringers turned off on the phones all day. I am really drained. No matter how good I feel most days, I guess I do still have a disability- *bummer*
Anyway- the doctor doesn't want to see me again for another 3 months, which is good. Means no driving that far for awhile! He likes the way this new medicine is working {so do I}. He said because of the way the medicine works and how it affects me he can tell that there was some nerve damage and this is what cause my intense pain.
More nerve damage, me and my poor nerves....LOL.....But I told him, I wonder if having 7 brain decompression surgeries had anything to do with damaging those nerves?! We had a good giggle with that one!
So I am still pretty exhausted but around 6 tonight I was able to get up and clean my living room, dining room and bathroom. Now I have exactly 10 minutes before ER comes on. So I must get tucked in bed to snuggle and watch the newest episode.
Love, hugs and ni'ni' kisses........sweet dreams!
Ok.....I am now with COMMENT THIS and all the templates I mess with should have workable comments. If not, let me know.
Now I shall snuggle with my pillows and have sweet dreams of my hubby, my G/F and George Michael!!!
Sweet Dreams to all my lovelies out there!!
Heard IT this morning on the MJ Morning show……..
George Michael is releasing a new album in MARCH of this year.
< The album is titled “Patience”, the first single will be played on national radio at 8:15am January 23!
This, according to the UK, is going to be as big if not bigger than in 1988 when he got a Grammy Nomination for his song “Faith”.
*DR@@L* ….Can someone please pass me a Kleenex??
I was so much in LOVE with this man in the ‘80s. I still listen to WHAM!
I have one question though……Does anyone know what happened to Andrew Ridgeley?
I AM BACK!!! Whoooo....I LOVE Columbia! It is ALWAYS so damn hard to leave that place after I get there!
For those that do not know, I lived in Columbia, MO for a couple years and I miss it TERRABLY!!! *sob*
I did of course hit COOL STUFF before I left. It is the coolest store in the world. I could spend hours in there!
Unfortunately they do not have a Website yet but as soon as they do I will put it up for you!
I got me some more Burt's Bees Lip Balm and some NAG CHAMPA
Ok...so my responsibilities finally pulled me out of Columbia and on the way home I had to keep switching radio stations because of what I was seeing-unbelievable!!!
I am driving down the highway and notice there are a lot- I mean A LOT of cops out. Speed traps everywhere along with undercover cars traveling with us on the road.
Then I notice and count HUMMERS.....at one time I think I had 8 HUMMERS on the same side of the road as me.
I SWORE that MARSHALL LAW was declared on the state of Missouri. It was unbelievable!
I have to say, I am NOT a lover of H2s, SUVs or any of the like, however, because of my family size I did drive a minivan at one time.Does that make me a hypocrite?
Another thought as I am driving down 270; {[set up]Hummers, SUVs, 18Wheelers throwing on their brakes and/or swerving into the next lane to avoid an accident.} Wonder why we have so many deadly accidents? Maybe it is because we cannot see around all these humongous vehicles. When we are all driving down the highway together and I am behind one, about half a cars legth, and he slams his brakes on then swerves to the left lane, it is quite a surprise to find I am sucking tail pipe with a car I had no idea was even there!! I think if they are going to drive these monster vehicles, they need to learn a little road responsibility, like not riding peoples asses- it would save a a lot of aggravation out there.
I also have more news BUT THAT deserves it's OWN post!!!!!!!!!
Good Wednesday morning to you all! I am gearing myself up for a long ride to Columbia! Looks like it will be a nice day to do so!
So BLOGSPEAK is down- for awhile it looks like. I was going to post what the website now says but S beat me to it. Poor guy, I really don't want to leave him now but I MUST have my comments and he swears he understands! I will keep checking back with him and if/when he gets to running again will consider going back. I never had a problem with Blogspeak!
I have found BlogBack It is on my page right now. I am not sure if I like it yet. My page is now loading "with errors" and I am not sure why. I will have to look at it when I get home tonight.
As for as the 4 other bloggers that I manage.........I promise that tonight you will have BlogBack or another comment host on your site when I get back from my trip. That's just cuz I love you and I MUST be able to comment on your postings OR lack there of *heh*........
OK off to get dressed
A couple of you may know of my financial status- or lack there of -to be more accurate. I just have to let you all know something.
When you think things are really very, very bad, maybe as bad as it can get........... it is really not that bad at all!
I have to go back to Columbia, MO tomorrow to see the doctor *again* and I have less than no money- YES that IS possible! So this morning I start to scrounge for change and I came up with $83.45........in change and Lotto tickets!! Gotta love those change jars!!
So I thought I would share this because I feel that I constantly tell people that things will "work out-somehow" and here is a prime example. Somehow things always work out for me. It may not be easy, I may have to swallow pride at times, I may have to count pennies but I come out 'ahead of the game' at the end!
I found this list on "I Love The 80s" and thought it was so great that I just had to share!!
I also could not resist adding my own info. What I added will be in ITALICS.
You know you're a child of the 80s if...
1. You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCH!" ……………
2.You watched the Pound Puppies.
3.You can sing the rap to the "Fresh Prince of Bel Air." ….. I still freak my kids out with this one and hubby gets a good laugh!!
4.You wore biker shorts under your skirts and felt stylish. ……..now it is just so I don’t get chafed.
5.You yearned to be a member of the Baby-Sitters Club and tried to start a club of your own. ……..I have my girls reading these books now!
6.You owned those little Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls. …… THEY’RE BACK!!!
7.You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey on Blossom. I thought he was cute!
8.Two words: M.C. Hammer. Have the CD
9.If you ever watched "Fraggle Rock." HAVE THE CASSETTE…Play it in the car!!
10.You had plastic streamers on your handle bars.
11.You can sing the entire theme song to "Duck Tales." ….not one of my faves
12.You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons. …… ummmm – yeah!! All day in front of the TV!
13.You wore a ponytail on the side of your head. ………. Cuz it was too cool!
14.You saw the original "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" on the big screen. Know the rap by heart!!
15.You got super-excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at school.
16.You made your Mom buy one of those clips that would hold your shirt in a knot on the side. … or I would just tie it in a knot…….
17.You played the game "MASH" (Mansion, Apartment, Shelter Shack, House). Taught it to my kids!….wanna play??
18.You wore a Jordache Jean jacket and you were proud of it.
19.L.A. Gear... Still have a pair!!
20.You wanted to change your name to "JEM" in Kindergarten. ……LOL She is my desktop wallpaper as we speak!
21. You remember reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and all the Ramona books. Still have them all- kids do book reports on them!
22.You know the profound meaning of "WAX ON, WAX OFF."
23.You wanted to be a Goonie.
24.You ever wore fluorescent clothing.
25.You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off. I have the doll!
26.You have pondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf. Yeah and now, as an adult, I want to BE Smurfette!!! *giggle*
27.You took lunch pails to school.
28.You remember the CRAZE, then the BANNING of slap bracelets. Hope they don't get banned again-these are back too!
29.You still get the urge to say "NOT" after every sentence. ….. NOT!
30.You remember Hypercolor T-shirts.
31.Barbie and the Rockers was your favorite band.
32.You thought She-Ra and He-Man should hook up. …. They SHOULD!
33.You thought your childhood friends would never leave because you exchanged friendship bracelets.
34.You ever owned a pair of jelly shoes. …I owned MANY pair of jelly shoes!
35.After you saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure you kept saying "I know what you are, but what am I?" Still use it
36.You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up!" LOL
37.You remember going to the skating rink before there were inline skates. YEAH BOYSSSSSSSS!!!
38.You ever got seriously injured on a Slip'n'Slide. ….. Face in the mud!
39.You have ever played with a Skip-It. Those where FUN!
40.You had or attended a birthday party at McDonald's. …..BORINGGGGG!!
41.You've gone through this list occasionally saying "totally awesome."
42.You remember Popples. I have one!
43."Don't worry, be happy." GREAT SONG!!
44.You wore like, EIGHT pairs of socks over tights with high top Reeboks. ……yeah when I wasn’t wearing my leg warmers!
45.You wore socks scrunched down. I still tire myself out trying to find these! They are comfy! Anyone know where I can buy any?
46."Miss MARY MACK MACK MACK, all dressed in BLACK BLACK BLACK" ........with silver buttons, buttons buttons…all down her back back back….
47.You remember boom boxes vs. CD players.
48.You remember watching both "Gremlins" movies. …..Seen the first one the other day with the kids! Gotta love Satellite TV!
49.You know what it meant to say "Care Bear Stare!" Care Bears are back too!
50.You remember watching Rainbow Brite and My Little Ponies.
51.You thought Doogie Howser was hot. And I remember what “Doin’ the Doogie” ment….from when he lost his virginity!
52.You remember Alf, the lil furry brown alien from Melmac. I miss Alf
53.You remember New Kids on the Block when they were cool. ……….they where cool?? NOT!
54.You knew all the characters names and their life stories on "Saved By the Bell," the ORIGINAL class. ….Now- The show- “It’s So Raven” is on the old “Saved By The Bell” set……
55.You know all the words to Bon Jovi - YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME. Still have the cassette…..
Sooooooooo- how sad am I??!!! Accually- I am pretty proud! I LOVED the ‘80s and hope to never forget them! I am so happy that there are things from that time making a come back! Great memories, great friends!
80s Fanlisting
The weekend has been a busy blur! Samantha had a GREAT time at cheer camp! Learned three cheers- she is really pretty good! She gets to cheer for the basketball game on Friday.
Brittany and I sat at Barbizon all day- from 1030 until 230. We listened to how they can make all your dreams come true, how many of "their" models are famous, even seen pictures of them, watched a video. For the most part the ladies where honest, stating that some of the girls there where not what they are looking for and why.
When it was our turn to talk to the ladies to see if Britt was what they are looking for, they told her that she WAS. Britt was so very happy- she was accepted into this 60-year-old business that made stars out of regular people.
It has always been a dream of Brittany’s to be a star. A model. An actress. She has always been told she is beautiful, she knows that she is, she conducts herself that way, always has. She is an honor roll student, a fantastic daughter, granddaughter, sister and friend. She got a clarinet for Xmas and learned how to play it the same day-on her own!
She is a leader, a go-getter, and a hard worker. Anyone that knows her can tell you, I am not only saying this because she is my daughter. One day she will make it big in whatever she chooses!
Well after getting home, I ran into problems coming up with the money for the modeling classes. In case you are wondering…the grand total would be over $1600.00.
I needed $295 deposit to hold her place in class. I wasn’t sure what to do; I talked to a couple friends then started making a web page. You know- one of those “please send me money” web pages. I have seen people ask for money to pay for their breast and for new TVs- why not for modeling school? That didn’t sound so bad.
Then I talked to “C”. *clearing throat* She states this is a huge scam. They only want money. We had a long talk. I really didn’t want to listen. I was trying to tell her that even if Britt didn’t get “stardom” out of this, she will get poise, learn how to approach people, it will be good for her. I kept going on and on, I know that “C” thought I wasn’t hearing her at all. She then says to me ….. “You also need to look at why you want Britt to do modeling so badly.” ……. Hummmmm well damn I thought …ok :(
What did she mean by that?
When we got off the phone, I researched more and I thought, I slept on it, and I thought, I woke up and I thought.
Why do I want Britt to model so badly?- Answer: I love her, it is a dream of hers. All my life my dreams have been crushed by those who where suppose to love me and I refuse to crush hers. I will go out of my way to help my children accomplish their dreams.
Ok so now that is answered, that wasn’t hard at all. I went to Britt. I asked her what was her #1 dream, to be a model or an actress? She said an ACTRESS. We talked about it for awhile, she basically sees modeling as “getting her foot in the door” and can really do without it.
By the time I went to Britt, I had already looked up acting classes in St Louis and found COCA. They can be pretty pricey, however, I can get financial assistance. They are a wonderful place. Take a look at the web site, especially if you have kids and are in the St Louis area.
So “C” I want to say to you- I DID hear you and I THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for stopping me and making me look at things. I love you and reasons like this make me thank the gods you are my very dearest friend!
What one thing are you most looking forward to . . .
1. ...today? SLEEPING
2. ...over the next week? Getting bills paid
3. ...this year? "Movin' on up".....getting organized and staying on a budget
4. ...over the next five years? Helping my children make the most out of themselves, maybe going to school myself.
5. ...for the rest of your life? Making a nice nest egg for my hubby and I to retire on and watch how my offspring have blossomed.
Not one of my own, but this is a good one, you should try it!
2 Parts benzoin
1 part willow wood
1 part crushed rowan berries
1/2 part crushed periwinkle flowers
1/2 part lily of the valley flowers
The ratio of herbs to each other is more important in the recipe than the amount {although you should use enough to handle easily}. In a bowl or with mortar and pestle, blend the benzoin with the willow wood, then add the crushed rowan berries. Add Periwinkle and lily of the valley, mix well.
Self-igniting charcoal blocks are the best way to burn this kind of incense. Light the block with a match, place it in a fireproof container and just sprinkle the incense on top on the charcoal. ENJOY
I am so glad I do not have to wake up at 4 am tomorrow morning.......seems like this week went on forever. Might have felt that way cuz I didn't feel well for most of it. I think I had a touch of that flu everyone was talking about, but just a touch. It really wasn't all that bad. Your general aches and pains, headache, upset stomach, loose poo......you know....
I feel much better still VERY tired, muscles still ache. {hint hint.....nudge nudge...S}
I've missed my baby and her hubby they have left me alone to rest. And rest I have. I have been sleeping like a baby every minute I get! I appreciate it!! But I miss you!!
Yesterday C came over to take modeling pics of Britt. They turned out great. The body shots I am not too fond of because of what she is wearing. I put 6 of them on my Fotoblog if you want to take a look.
We had a great time in the park! It was cold as heck but it was great to get C out of the house and see her smile!
Gonna have to think of something else for us to do, but I think I will look at the weather channel first!
whelp- busy day tomorrow.....on top of the normal Saturday stuff...IE.....Laundry, cleaning, ....I also still have to take down my Xmas tree....{such a procrastinator am I} and Britt has to go see Model Scouts in Clayton and Sam has Cheer camp....Zac gets to get away from it all....spending the night away.....too much fruuufruuu girly stuff for him!! Can't blame him!
Ick.........headache...........too icky to sit and blog today.........
I still love you all.........gonna rest now.
I need this today, so I thought I'd post it here........
Do not undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others,
It is because we are different that each of us is special.
Do not set your goals by what other people deem important.
Only you know what is best for you.
Do not take for granted the things closest to your heart.
Cling to them as you would your life,
for without them, life is meaningless
Do not let your life slip through your fingers
By living in the past nor for the future.
By living your life one day at a time,
You live all the days of your life.
Do not give up when you still have something to give.
Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.
It is a fragile thread that binds us to each other.
Do not be afraid to encounter risks.
It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.
Do not shut out of your life by saying it is impossible to find.
The quickest way to receive love is to give love;
The fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly.
In addition, the best way to keep love is to give it wings.
Do not dismiss your dreams.
To be without dreams is to be without hope;
To be without hope is to be without purpose.
Do not run through life so fast that you forget
not only where you have been, but also where you are going.
Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.
~author unknown~
Lost post.......
drive me MAD
Had a long one all typed - hit post and publish.......BOOM.......Down goes blogger with an error.........just my luck.......or was it something else???????
The post was an apology to my dearest friend S who without warning was drowned in my outcry for help today. I didn't even know it was coming so I couldn't warn her. She is always so supportive!
Also about my recurring dream..... which was in detail........I suppose it wasn't time to make the premonition public? Is that why I got the error message and lost the post?
Things that make you go UMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Right now I am actually suppose to be asleep.....I can't sleep....nothing new lately. I will however REpost my lost post later and get back to my pillow ------> as soon as I add my GF's BLOG LINK!!!!!!! YEAY FOR MY BABY!!!
Nite Nite
I am so happy!! Chad has a BLOG!! I am also very happy that he chose me to edit the template for him. He loves me!!! XOXOXOXOX SMOOOOCHES
NOW we just haveta tie Lesley down to the PC and get her to BLOG!! whooohooo.....just don't have ME anywhere around when she is tied down, cuz-she won't be Bloggin'!!! {evil laughter}
So I was able to change Chads Template colors and font colors and I went to change mine........nothing- nadda...won't happen-Blogger just does not like me!! *uncontrolable sobbing* That's okay though cuz I have been thinking.........
yeah- Trish has been thinking again........
I ran into this wonderful site........GLnML, Been looking at them all day.......I like them A LOT! I like them enough to pay....even if I didn't have to...I would donate. They work hard and they turn out good templates and pull at a couple of my heart strings. So I emailed them- We shall see what happens.
My husband has always told me that I have great expression on my face when we make love. He loves to watch me as he is giving me pleasure, touching me in many different ways because it pleases him in return. I never understood this until tonight.
Tonight, for the first time, I witnessed a person with as much, maybe more, sexual expression than me. My GF's hubby is very expressive and expression is very REWARDING. I mean, I have been with people that have been pleased, of course, very pleased and I could tell-always. I can also tell when it is faked expression, mainly because I have faked it, but the expression I am talking about is.........PASSION...yessssss.......PASSION! You can not fake Passion!
He had passion-movement, expression, desire, breath with every touch of mine or my GF hand on his body. It was like a work of art. Yeah I know he is going to read this and think-geezzzzz it wasn't that big a deal, but it was. I think that it is a gift, both for the person who possess passion and for the one or ones who receive it.
That's it!! I am sure it is not there all the time for him as it is not there all the time for me either, 95% of the time maybe, but when it is there-WOW. I can see why you are both so much in love! For me to be on the RECEIVING end of passion was such a gift and I THANK YOU SO MUCH for letting me experience that and PLEASE let me experience that again VERY soon!
L and C, you are both extremely beautiful, intelligent people. You have brightened my life just by walking in my door and you make it better every time we get together!!
......where the hell does it come from? Lack of sleep? Children? Dirty Laundry? Puberty? All of the above?
I can go days feeling on top of the world, handling everything as it comes, like a Pro Bowl caliber defensive end, breaking tackles and sacking anyone who gets in my way.
Then comes a day when I am "washed up".......Benched......Wondering what the hell happened.
That would be today. I feel okay, health-wise. I woke up at 12, had to get to my brothers house by 1 for my nieces 1 year birthday party. It wasn't too bad. The whole time I was there I was thinking of ALL the things I needed to get done at home. It wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't sleep so late, however, I am sure my body had no choice as I was awaken by my new kitten 4 times as I slept. It was precious- she was nursing on my ear-lobe!!
By the time I got home I needed to feed the children and pick up the house. I was very EAGERLY expecting my GF and her hubby!
So I took care of my duties as a mommy, modeling agent, clarinet teacher, counselor and wife, ext and my company arrived.
My GF got a great massage from S, who by the way, is EXCELLENT! Lesley felt and LOOKED great afterward. The kiddos drove us crazy till bedtime.....When the finally fell asleep- it was time for our quite time which we have not had in SO VERY LONG!
Now that I have had a great night I plan on having a pretty productive day tomorrow!
I have kept my house clean all year! Whoo hoo look at me go!
Ok - so it has only been two days- I am on a roll! At least when there are dishes in the sink, I wash them and when the cats pull toilet paper all over the house, I kick it under a couch. So I am on a roll.
I have made changes to my blog-that is where I have been. My friend S has been having so much fun with her Site Statistics that I thought I should try it out. I added a tracker to my site, so we will soon see who visits me.
I also found a new HOMELAND SECURITY ADVISORY SYSTEM and added it too!
LOL I like this one a lot better!
I have also been shopping for pussy!!
I put pictures up on my foto blog! Go see!
I went to the APA today with S and it was NOT a good experience. I am still so mad about it that I can not blog about yet. I promise I will! I swear it was such a bad experience that I am thinking about calling CONTACT 2.
Ok so- Orlando Bloom is going to be on Jay Leno show which will be on in just a few minutes and I still have to search for something before then.
Maybe I will tell y'all what I NEED to search for and you can HELP ME.........I NEED to know if GRANT WISTROM has a blog.
I am totally infatuate by this man! I absolutely can NOT miss a game/event/interview because I have just got to lay my eyes on him. I have no idea what it is about him. His hair maybe? Sometimes a person just has this "thing" about them that is so damn attractive and he has this THING and I can not get enough and now I MUST get his BLOG! PLEASE HELP ME!
