Profound Passions of Persephone


I am so happy!! Chad has a BLOG!! I am also very happy that he chose me to edit the template for him. He loves me!!! XOXOXOXOX SMOOOOCHES
NOW we just haveta tie Lesley down to the PC and get her to BLOG!! whooohooo.....just don't have ME anywhere around when she is tied down, cuz-she won't be Bloggin'!!! {evil laughter}

So I was able to change Chads Template colors and font colors and I went to change mine........nothing- nadda...won't happen-Blogger just does not like me!! *uncontrolable sobbing* That's okay though cuz I have been thinking.........

yeah- Trish has been thinking again........

I ran into this wonderful site........GLnML, Been looking at them all day.......I like them A LOT! I like them enough to pay....even if I didn't have to...I would donate. They work hard and they turn out good templates and pull at a couple of my heart strings. So I emailed them- We shall see what happens.
