Profound Passions of Persephone: EXPRESSION



My husband has always told me that I have great expression on my face when we make love. He loves to watch me as he is giving me pleasure, touching me in many different ways because it pleases him in return. I never understood this until tonight.

Tonight, for the first time, I witnessed a person with as much, maybe more, sexual expression than me. My GF's hubby is very expressive and expression is very REWARDING. I mean, I have been with people that have been pleased, of course, very pleased and I could tell-always. I can also tell when it is faked expression, mainly because I have faked it, but the expression I am talking about is.........PASSION...yessssss.......PASSION! You can not fake Passion!

He had passion-movement, expression, desire, breath with every touch of mine or my GF hand on his body. It was like a work of art. Yeah I know he is going to read this and think-geezzzzz it wasn't that big a deal, but it was. I think that it is a gift, both for the person who possess passion and for the one or ones who receive it.

That's it!! I am sure it is not there all the time for him as it is not there all the time for me either, 95% of the time maybe, but when it is there-WOW. I can see why you are both so much in love! For me to be on the RECEIVING end of passion was such a gift and I THANK YOU SO MUCH for letting me experience that and PLEASE let me experience that again VERY soon!

L and C, you are both extremely beautiful, intelligent people. You have brightened my life just by walking in my door and you make it better every time we get together!!
