Before I talk more about Washington Island I thought I would try this exersize called Unconscious Mutterings.
I've found it! I have found my place in this world. I have always known, for as long as I can remember, WISCONSIN has tugged at my heart strings. The beauty, the FOUR seasons, the magic........or something/someone unseen.....I am just ment to be there-it is my destiny. I have just been waiting to find my perfect spot and now I have it......
Washington Island, WI
There are times in life when you KNOW without a doubt when something is RIGHT.
My goddess has answered my prayer{s} and I refuse to ignore her.......It is now in the works!
Hey- IT's FRIDAY........time for the FRIDAY FIVE
When was the last time you...
1. ...went to the doctor? Yesterday
2. ...went to the dentist? I hate the dentist
3. ...filled your gas tank? Last Monday
4. enough sleep? That would have been some time in 1991.....yeah-that sounds right!
5. ...backed up your computer? backed it up?? what?? I have to do that??
My day {hemmmm-Afternoon} went like this….
Hubby is full of shit-literally, Aunt L had knee surgery, cousin had gall bladder surgery, Grandma has diarrhea, I am now a 33 year old going though menopause!
How was YOUR day??
Hubby Health Update…. no ulcer…. no tumor…nothing serious! Thank Goddess…. he is just full of shit! Really, I am not kidding. It causes quite a bit of pain. No- I am not embarrassing him with this post- I asked him if I could post it- he said okay. Just wanted to update you all. I truly think we all need to start eating a lot healthier than we do- especially after MY doctor visit today!
Aunt L is sore and bitchy but okay, refuses to take her pain meds- she is a Sagittarian- go figure! {eye roll}
Cousin is recovering like a champ! Has five boys and a baby girl, has no choice but to recover like a champ!
Grandma…well…I am sure she is fine…will have to wait and see.
I had a doctor appointment today and found out about the menopause. I also found out that there is such a thing as vaginal atrophy and here I just thought my husband was really a lucky, lucky man!
As far as my menopause…I had already went through surgical menopause in 1997 after my hysterectomy, complete with night sweats and hot flashes. The good news is; it is highly likely that I will not have to re-experience that dreaded heat again-whoooo! I am, however, extremely F*CKING tired all the &*%*& Time and I have some wild ass mood swings!
I am also starting to feel like a teenager again in some ways…..yeah I know- CRAZZZZYYYY…go ahead- say it- I know you want to! crazzzzzyyyyyyy
The more I think about it, the more relieved I am. I was beginning to think I was just a crazy, bi-polar, lazy ass, lump on a log.
Come to find out I am a teenage mind in a middle-aged body.
OH YEAH......
Those that know me well enough- know I will have a BALL with this one!! WHOOT!
When the world deals me lemons……..I just go make me some whiskey sours!!
A cat joins its owner reading a book at a Tokyo cafe Friday, Feb. 13. 2004. (AP Photo/Katsumi Kasahara)
Good teachers are really hard to find in today’s schools. I have been very lucky to be able to place my children in one of few good schools that are left in St Louis. Each year the children have had really exceptional teachers. No teacher will ever be able to top Brittany's fifth grade teacher, she was just……hell….there aren’t even words for that woman! She had the kids smiling everyday and they all passed the fifth grade with flying colors-even the ones that started with failing grades!
In the forth grade, Brittany was in a MINTS class room and her teacher was Mr. Miller. He has a Zero Tolerance policy that I love. As soon as I met him, I knew that Samantha was going to be one of his students too.
This year she is in his class and I am still very happy with the way he teaches. He has a way of teaching that is more “hands-on” than most teachers. Like this month he has the class acting out the Oregon Trail Project! What a FUN way to learn! I wish I had teachers like that! I made her an outfit for this project and I want to share it with you here. Because they have a mints classroom, Mr. Miller places projects and pictures on the net quite often. Have a look around their site if you would like. In fact, some of Brittany's work is listed under 2001-2002 Projects, like her Polar Bear Poster.
HERE is the Website for the project. The picture on this page is of the Entire Wagon Train and of the Wagon Master {Mr. Miller}.
Samantha is Mary Jane Duff (Davidson); she is the mom and now has caught Cholera. We are kind of worried about this cholera but will have to wait and see how things turn out.
Of course I will keep you updated!
Knowing that I would
not spend the money on myself, my wonderful husband surprised me with a belated Vday gift[s].
He got a bonus check from work and did NOT give it to me. See I would have, and have before, taken it and paid bills OR bought for the kids. SO, he cashed it himself and took me to Fashion Bug.
He was like a kid in a candy store. {giggle} He picked out two outfits, complete with accessories, under garments and two pairs of shoes. It was so fun to watch him DART around that store, searching for what he liked best.
Note:::If you have not shopped there, it is REALLY hard to only pick two things!!!:::: He found that out!
He is really good at dressing me, I am impressed! So are the kids! The girls already have had on my shoes and my jean belt/shaw.....My G/F had on my other pair of shoes {giggle} she looks really good in them!!
Thank you, honey, I love you so much!
Sunday at Trish's
is what all the e mails are titled. The group e mails that is. I had a get together for the girls in our Yahoo group here at the house on Sunday and it turned out GREAT!
I was really worried that there would not be enough room or people would feel "squished" somehow. I have a small home. I think my home is cozy, it is definitely cozy and warm and inviting. Turned out that everyone was very comfortable and all the emails said that they had a wonderful time!
The ladies in our group are phenomenal and we have so much fun together! Sunday was no exception, what made it so great was being so close and not having to scream over loud music or loud crowds.
We had a lot of really good food and drink and a couple or us even made new friends-probably friends for life!
I will most likely do this once a month here at my house and I am sure other ladies will have get together[s] at their homes too. I hope so because these ladies ROCK and we can never get together TOO much!
morning really sucked. Not all morning, mind you, it started sucking after 5 am until about 8ish.
See.....what happened was I became unthoughtful and inconsiderate towards my hubby. My G/F and her hubby where here for a visit and stayed till he was off work {to spend time with HIM also} however, I did not see that he needed peace and quite after work, not company. So we fought, sort of, mostly attacked each other. I then felt incredibly guilty, as I do when I think I have wronged someone I love. I beat myself up until my G/F came back over later that day.
She has since nicknamed me "DOBBY" the house elf from the Harry Potter Movies. She will kick my ass if she ever finds bandages on my hands! lol
So - I got like 2 hours of sleep, My face was red and puffy, I looked like shit and in walks my newest loves. They hug me and I start crying all over again. I guess that is exactly what I needed because I felt so much better!
I was okay with my husband, he was no longer upset with me and my puffy face didn't scare off my G/F and her hubby-Life is GOOD! Or as my hubby would say....."It's all gravy!"
Later that night, my hubby went to work, yeah on Vday {bummer} but G/F's hubby babysat my kiddos and G/F and I went to get Pedicures and Manicures! Ahhhhhhhh to be pampered! It was so very, very nice! They paid for my pedicure but I couldn't resist....had to get a full set of nails....I had to beautify! I bite my nails BADLY!
{{Dobby says "maybe I will not iron pretty hands, do not want to ruin pretty nails!}} teehee
We then spent the rest the rest of the night together just hanging out, being together, getting to know each other more. They are an awesome couple. Goddess has blessed my life by bringing them to me and I am eternally grateful!
::::I am still alive and {belated}CHD Day::::
........Just a quicky........ I haven't updated in a couple days. I apologize to my 7 readers-Forgive me?? {pout}
I have had a very up and down weekend! Quite the rollercoaster ride! Most of it , however, has been fantastic! Especially yesterday!
There are quite a lot of details and as soon as I can I will fill you in!
Today, I have a party. My woman's group will be coming over to hang out so we can actually spend time together outside of a very loud bar. I have a lot of cleaning that needs to get done-wish me luck! It should be a great time! Most of the girls are bringing their children and a couple are bringing their hubbies! I have a really small home, but it is cozy and that is how I like it! That, I think, makes people more comfortable, more relaxed. I just want them all to kick back and have fun!
Last note for now......Yesterday was Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day. My best friends baby boy died from a severe heart defect. Several states have an official proclamation, and a request was recently put before President Bush to sign a national proclamation declaring today CHD Day but it was denied. An online petition has been set up for an appeal. I would like you to just please take a moment to read the letter and go sign the petition. here{Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day}It will only take a second and you will be making a huge difference! It will make you feel really good too!
I will be back!! muuuuuhahahahhaha
The Bad Health Demon Strikes Again
but this time - it AIN'T me!!
John has been having serious pains in the stomach area for some time now. I mean BAD cramping, like he will take off work...he NEVER takes off work! So today we went to see the doctor!
To make a long story short.....we do not know anything yet! Those that know me, know that I tend to worry a little much though, but when the doctor says.....Upper GI, Biopsy and Tumor all in the same breath, I tend to LOOSE IT!
I had to FORCE him to get his x-ray done today.....he also needs blood work, but NOOOOOO, eating was WAY more important damn it, so the blood work will have to wait.
He says " I'm okay, honey!" while patting my hair....."I'll walk it off."
Let me also add here that his BLOOD PRESSURE IS HIGH.............
He is 28 years old............. I am scared
from Meilin Wong!
She does fantastic work! She did the fairy that sits atop my blog!
Go check her out!
Have you ever had a night {or DAY} of passion that you never wanted to end?
I have and every since then I have had certain aspects of that time stay on the forefront of my mind. I do not want to let go, I want to have the same experience daily or at least as often as possible. I still smell the scents, I still feel the touches but most of all I still feel my submission.
I miss my submissive me. Every once in awhile I loose her. Life gets hectic, I get sick , hub gets sick, holidays.....then when I loose her I kick myself. There should be no excuses! NONE! My submissive me makes up 95% of who I am, of who I want to be. I am at my happiest, energetic, sexual self when I am ME! Why is it then that I loose that?
I suppose that many people loose who they truly are in this world today.
I am just VERY grateful that the true ME can be brought out often! I strive to not loose her this time.....I will hang on and nourish myself; mind, body and soul! It is amazing-looking in the mirror I can see the difference and so can hubby.....can you?
Patricia, your subconscious mind is driven most by Peace
You are driven by a higher purpose than most people. You have a deeply-rooted desire to facilitate peacefulness in the world. Whether through subtle interactions with love ones, or through getting involved in social causes, it is important to you to influence the world.
You are driven by a desire to encourage others to think about the positive side of things instead of focusing on the negative. The reason your unconscious is consumed by this might stem from an innate fear of war and turmoil. Thus, to avoid that uncomfortable place for you, your unconscious seeks out the peace in your environment.
Usually, the thing that underlies this unconscious drive is a deep respect for humankind. You care about the future of the world, even beyond your own involvement in it. As a result, your personal integrity acts as a surrogate for your deeper drive toward peace and guides you in daily life towards decisions that are respectful toward yourself and others.
People who have unconscious minds driven by peace tend to be independent thinkers who often prefer to live by their own high personal standards and moral code.
So.....I humbly ask those that know me.....what do YOU think???
::::You have GOT to be kidding me!!!!::::
Kurt Warner’s excuse for being benched……….
"I actually had [Rams] coaches say I was reading the Bible too much and it was taking away from my play," he said. "It was OK when we were winning, but now I was [messing] this thing up? People were saying I had lost my job because of my faith."
Kurt, sweetheart, you are a great man! DO NOT fall to this level and yell DISCRIMINATION just because you do not know what Martz is truly thinking.
PLEASE do not do that to yourself and your wife and your church! You have got to be better than that!
You screwed up the first game of the season, screwed up BAD! Made ME sick! Do I think you should have been benched all season for THAT? NO-absolutely not, in fact, I think we might have done a hell of a lot better with both you and Bulger playing!
I think Martz is not a good coach at all. He is an ass and consistently makes the wrong decisions when calling plays! {{I really wish Martz would have left instead of Lovie…..I LOVED Lovie!!!}}
I don’t know why Martz has it out for you, but please do NOT stand up and yell that it is discrimination. Don’t belittle yourself and please do not use your god as an EXCUSE- NEVER do that!
Reggie White {Packers} was a Baptist Minister and never did he cry discrimination against his teammates or coaches. Maybe you can check him out and take some advice?!
******Thankx Brainshakes for the heads up on Reggie!!
::::THE "S" FACTOR::::
{{{“S” Factor…..Idea I read on another blog, “S” stand for Stupid}}}
I live in a part of town that is considered to be mostly middle-class. We live each month able to pay our bills and feed ourselves on what we make with nothing or very little left over for savings.
So I go to our polling place this afternoon to vote. On the table the books are laid out….
I notice…….the republican book was more than half gone! THE REPUBLICAN BOOK
Hello….people… you not realize BUSH HAS GOT TO GO!?!?!?!?! You all live in the same ‘hood I do, I know it is no easier for you than it is for me and you still are voting for this man?! May I ask-WHY? I obviously am not seeing something here. I need to know so please enlighten me as to WHY you would vote republican- but please wait to do so until AFTER you do your taxes!
I vote to NOT talk about the half-time show anymore!!
ummm yeah the whole Janet-Timberlake-halftime-boobshot thing is really gettin' a little old. I mean, don't get me wrong- it IS a GREAT picture! I will always cherish it! I am just really getting tired of hearing about it. So make Mtv, CBS, NFL or whoever pay a fine and drop it.
I do have to say here, I am very glad that my children are not as into football as I am. There where here, they did hear about it in school the next day. I am sure if they would have seen it, as I did, I would be upset about it, but they didn't so I am not. Like my mom says..."They see and hear MUCH worse in school everyday and on regular TV for that matter."This is very true!
I am getting very addicted to William Hung and his version of "She Bangs". The website he has is very busy and under construction. Sometimes it is down, so check back often.
I have the .wmv file on my pc and play it often! If you want to download the Idol Video here is the link
You can VOTE to send him to Hollywood!! {click here}
SO after you go out and VOTE today... {If you live in Missouri} then you can vote to send William Hung to Hollywood!
I hope you all had a Blessed Imbolc and remember St Valentines Day is in 11 days!!
I BORROWED this from yahoo news........My Groundhog GIFT to you!
HAPPY GROUNDHOG DAY..........6 more weeks of winter.....or more if you live in St Louie!
All in all, my weekend was really good!!
SATURDAY I hosted a birthday surprise party for my dear friends son. He was quite surprised when his dad brought out the brownies with candles for him! {giggle} We played Dungeons and Dragons for the rest of the day and night. We all had a BLAST even though playing D&D with kids is a hard thing to do. Very frustrating at times!
SUNDAY.......SUPERBOWL!!! Neither one of my teams played so I was just hoping for a good game. The first two quarters where boring...really boring...yawn.... Then came HALF-TIME and I seen Boobyyyyy I seen it!! WOOWSERS! yep- doin' the happy dance, saw Janet’s Booby...thought it was a piercing, then found out that it was a pasty.... but I was there and saw it all the same!! {{{{CONGRATS PATS!!!}}}}
It was also my honey's Bday!! So I was able to enjoy her and her hubby's company until the game was over!
Unfortunately- I had a cough attack and injured my CHIARI and came under tremendous pain! Drugged myself and went to sleep…….
TODAY {Monday} I learned, from reading my blog that people can be looked over very easily. Just speaking VERY LOUDLY after they are looked over gets them get noticed. Unfortunately I had to do this and I APPOLOGIZE if I offended.
ALSO TODAY… honey came back over…we had pictures done!! Whoot whoot!! Had a little fun!! Actually A LOT of fun that was WELL OVER DUE!
She should be back soon so we can go shopping for her birthday!
beware...oncoming bitch rant.........
The more I watch the people in my community, the more nauseas I become. I really try my best to stay out of the little "cliches" in my area because of the ways they behave. It is really disgusting and gives everyone a bad name.
One example- I am Wiccan, I have been since I was 13 years old. I do not talk about it, I do not wear flashy clothing, I do NOT belong to any STL so called Wiccan groups or covens and I never have. What I have seen from the people around me is "to be in their group, you must like to have sex and be naked and be poly or you will be kicked to the curb" and no one in 20 years has proven me wrong yet. {Just had another example of this thrown in my face, a week ago, involving a 18 y/o girl}
Second example and reason for my main disgust today. STL bloggers will be on Fox 2 on Monday. This is FANTASTIC!! WHOOT WHOOT!! GO check out the thread about this at STLBLOGGERS.COM. BUT notice this.......
NO WHERE did they say THANK YOU to the ONE St Louis Blogger who happened to be awake at 5 AM early in January to e mail Kevin Steincross to make this all possible! Even though I DID post that I was the one who sent him the email - I was totally ignored.
So maybe this post doesn't make me any better than those people. The way I see it is, they are always out for what can I get for ME and F*CK YOU!!!! Let ME just move right on in here on your turf and ignore you, wipe my shitty feet on your face!!
I DO NOT want RECOGNITION as much as just a SIMPLE F*CKING THANK YOU...........does anyone even use those simple words anymore?????????? THANK YOU??? A simple THANK YOU NOW BUZZ OFF would have been acceptable too!
