Profound Passions of Persephone


::::THE "S" FACTOR::::

{{{“S” Factor…..Idea I read on another blog, “S” stand for Stupid}}}

I live in a part of town that is considered to be mostly middle-class. We live each month able to pay our bills and feed ourselves on what we make with nothing or very little left over for savings.
So I go to our polling place this afternoon to vote. On the table the books are laid out….
I notice…….the republican book was more than half gone! THE REPUBLICAN BOOK
Hello….people… you not realize BUSH HAS GOT TO GO!?!?!?!?! You all live in the same ‘hood I do, I know it is no easier for you than it is for me and you still are voting for this man?! May I ask-WHY? I obviously am not seeing something here. I need to know so please enlighten me as to WHY you would vote republican- but please wait to do so until AFTER you do your taxes!
