Profound Passions of Persephone


beware...oncoming bitch rant.........

The more I watch the people in my community, the more nauseas I become. I really try my best to stay out of the little "cliches" in my area because of the ways they behave. It is really disgusting and gives everyone a bad name.
One example- I am Wiccan, I have been since I was 13 years old. I do not talk about it, I do not wear flashy clothing, I do NOT belong to any STL so called Wiccan groups or covens and I never have. What I have seen from the people around me is "to be in their group, you must like to have sex and be naked and be poly or you will be kicked to the curb" and no one in 20 years has proven me wrong yet. {Just had another example of this thrown in my face, a week ago, involving a 18 y/o girl}

Second example and reason for my main disgust today. STL bloggers will be on Fox 2 on Monday. This is FANTASTIC!! WHOOT WHOOT!! GO check out the thread about this at STLBLOGGERS.COM. BUT notice this.......
NO WHERE did they say THANK YOU to the ONE St Louis Blogger who happened to be awake at 5 AM early in January to e mail Kevin Steincross to make this all possible! Even though I DID post that I was the one who sent him the email - I was totally ignored.

So maybe this post doesn't make me any better than those people. The way I see it is, they are always out for what can I get for ME and F*CK YOU!!!! Let ME just move right on in here on your turf and ignore you, wipe my shitty feet on your face!!

I DO NOT want RECOGNITION as much as just a SIMPLE F*CKING THANK YOU...........does anyone even use those simple words anymore?????????? THANK YOU??? A simple THANK YOU NOW BUZZ OFF would have been acceptable too!
