~major bitch mode~
ok, so that is the mode I have been in all day, now how the hell do I turn it off?Everybody has been getting to me today, irritating the hell out of me!
~~~break in post, click the READ MORE link to read the whole thing~~~
*Now for a good thought*
The second graders, ugggg, they have been in school now for 6 months, the rules have been the same since day ONE and they still can NOT follow them!!
Not like today was the ONLY day they don't listen, just that today was the FIRST day they really got to me.
Now, the weather has been amazing for the past 2 days and tomorrow the kids are out of school, so I guess there is a reason for them acting up.
What irritates me so much about this is, I started an incentive program for them. If they follow the rules, they get a star, on Friday the class with the most stars get candy and the class with the most stars at the end of the month get toys out of the treasure box. Today was the end of the month.
Now I can understand the excited babble of the winning class, but I can NOT understand the screaming, chair dropping, fighting and just craziness from the other classes.UGG Made me want to tell them that I was going to STOP the incentive program cuz obviously nobody really wants to try.
I left after lunch and went to Dirt Cheap Cigarettes for .....uuummmm......Cigarettes....duh and the parking lot was full ~grumble~. So I sat at the pump waiting for someone to pull out. Then I see these 2 bla....I mean African American gentlemen RUNNING out of the stores with their arms full of cartons of cigarettes. An employee was hot on their heels and about tackled one as he jumped into a blue 4-door car, dropping a carton of cigs as he slammed the door and took off.I could not believe the nerve! What assholes!
Then I get home and iron 3 army fatigues, smoke a cig and off again to the school to get Britt and Zac. To the store we go to get a few things, of course, accompanied by the "can I haves" and "why nots".
Back home, made a few phone calls to set up tonight and off again to get Sam from school.Thank goddess I only live 4 blocks from school!!and NO my babies are not gonna walk home while there are african american men robbing the stores in our neighborhood, lord knows what else they would do!I used to be able to run this neighborhood BY MYSELF safely from a very young age.
What has happened to us?? Why can't my babies be safe here?
Ok, back home and I find out that Britt is not leaving until 7ish, which means that I can't get to Lil Kel's until almost 8ish.
Lil Kel and I are making JELLO SHOTS for our Quincy Trip!
AAAAhhhhhhhhhhh Quincy............
A whole night away.........
Partying with the band!
Partying NAKED with the band...........
With jello shots......
That is what the doctor ordered!!
Do You Remember When………..
You were twitterpaited for the first time. That wonderful “puppy love” that seemed so true? Remember when he or she broke your heart? Remember that PAIN, agonizing, horrible pain? Your heart was being ripped out of your chest and you had no power to stop it?
Well, I found I worse pain last night, dealing with this “puppy love”.
My 13 year old has been “seeing” a boy since the beginning of school. They consider themselves boyfriend/girlfriend and say they are dating, even though they haven’t had a date. My rules there, my baby is still too young. B had, over the months, developed feelings for him. He has come over here and spent time with her, bought her gifts and she had gone to his place where he cooked her dinner.
From him, she got her first kiss.
Last night B learned her BF had gotten into trouble and she knew she had to make a choice. She told herself the last time he was in trouble that if it happened again, she would end the relationship.
She fought, HARD, with the choice she had to make. She ran off to hide and I wouldn’t let her. I sat with her, for support. I reminded her that this was her choice and that I trust that she would make the right decision.
She cried, hard, for a long while. She hurt so badly, I could feel her heart being ripped apart and it hurt me worse than any body ever could.
What really hurt the worse was when she said, through her tears, “I messed up! I told myself I would never mess up and now I did! I got into {BF} and he turned into what I never wanted and my grades are lower and I do not feel good about myself. I messed up so bad!”
All I could do is hold her and cry with her. I told her how brilliant and beautiful she is. The wisdom she has at the age of 13 is just remarkable. After the crying, we did a lot of male bashing, she went through the anger phase & threw out the teddy bears he gave her. Not too long after that we were laughing and she was finally able to try to sleep.
See, I trust my children, I talk to them as the young adults they are. I taught them right from wrong and they, all 3, know what I expect from them. I never have had to make a choice for them, just gently guide them down the right path. They always make me so very proud.
When B said she messed up because she let her grades fall for the time she spent on this BF, I was so VERY PROUD. The choice she made was the right one, I had no doubt it would be. It’s just that I am not sure how I can go though this heartbreak with my children. It hurts so VERY bad, I can’t take that hurt from them….I am powerless and I know this is only the very beginning.
Obligations pull you in two directions. This time, you'll have to make a choice.
Daily Extended Forecast for March 27, 2005
At heart, you're basically a very social animal. You love nothing better than being with kindred spirits who understand you -- which isn't always easy to come by, since you're much smarter than the average bear. So once you find those soul mates, you'll do anything to keep them happy. And handy. You're in a very different mood right now, though, and it might feel unfamiliar. You want to hibernate, to make the world go away. Don't worry, you're not losing your mind. This is normal.
Well thank the gods it's NORMAL! I am missing out on a very fun day with MF, my own decision. I hope she understands, I am not good company today {per last post}.
**Off My Chest**
I had a friend for 20 years, one I idolized the whole first year I met her.
I developed feelings for her as one does for a best friend, I wanted to protect her and make her well when she was hurt. I remember a very bad car accident she was in that just tore me apart, she was a wreck and I did my best to help but I was not good enough. She never hesitated to tell me or show me in some way that I was NOT GOOD ENOUGH for her, but I stayed by her side-for 20 years.
We had some really great times through the years. We skipped school together, shared boyfriends {without knowing it}, laughed and cried together. We joked that my oldest was also hers because my daughter is so much like her, looks and all. The hard times in our friendship where equaled out with the good, always, until a couple months ago.
She moved miles away and we stopped talking as much as we used to. We would catch each other online and when I needed to log off, she got very upset and I felt obligated to stay. This set up resentment, something I do not like in myself, something I needed to fix as soon as possible. I informed her in a letter that I needed to take a small break from speaking to her, from our friendship. I told her why I needed it, because I was just separated from my husband, now a single mother, disabled, I was a mess and I didn’t need any other obligations. Being made to stay online for hours for fear that she would be mad at me made me feel obligated to her.
We have a mutual friend who got the bad end of this deal and made everything much worse. Sometime after I sent the initial letter to my friend, it was told to her that I didn’t want the friendship because I could not handle the grief that she was going through from loosing her son. WTF? I was there for the birth of her son, for the life of her son and THE ONLY ONE OF HER FRIENDS that was there for the death of her son. I sat in the hospital hallway, waiting, alone, just in case she needed me even though I knew that I probably would not see her, I WAS THERE. I was there as a shoulder, I visited her, called her, cried with her. I will never feel her grief nor will I ever grieve the same as she but no one can ever say that I could not handle her grief; ESPECIALLY this mutual friend who was NOT there the night her son past away.
Since then this mutual friend {I will call her MF} has said so many other things to her, I have all the letters that were written to me about it. I just put it out of my mind thinking that MF was caught in the middle, trapped my now EX friend, and what she was saying was just coming across wrong. I thought that because I tend to always see the GOOD in everyone.
My EX friend has told me to stay out of her life, just throw away 20 years and why? Well, of course, it is because I asked for time to myself……. Oh YEAH and because she was listening to someone other than myself who has no idea on how I feel or on how our relationship for the past 20 years worked.
I can NOT, I will NOT throw her away, I can’t love someone for that long and not care anymore, not worry anymore. I will not throw her away for something someone else put in her head. I plan on checking up on her as often as I can, because I care and I always will. Is this wrong of me? I don’t talk to her anymore because she doesn’t want to talk to me, I do not send her mail or post comments to her, I do not bother her in any way. I check on her because if she needs me I will always be here, always have always will. What I can do today is pray if she needs strength or health or happiness and I do. Maybe doing this is just part of my masochistic self, except, this kind of pain is not pleasurable at all.
So I am blogging this because it needs to get off my chest and because I went to check on her today and there was yet another post TO ME on her blog. Very hateful, full of distain, disgust, I never thought she would ever be as hateful. Now, if I do not send her mail, post comments, call her, then how is she getting information that I am checking up on her?
The Stat Counter on her blog you say?? Well, yes, that would be a way except I checked that and I am not the only Charter Internet member in St. Louis. Not only that, I never go to her page off of my own blog page.
The message she wrote to me also had more information than she would get from a counter. Like “Do you really think I will ever let you back into my life after the things you said to me? ” and “There is no chance EVER that we are ever going to be friends again”
~clears throat~
It was said in confidence to MF that I miss EX friend and to be able to talk again to her would be very nice. In fairness, I did mention to go ahead and let EX friend know that something on her blog looked really great!
Ex friend also adds….”your words solidified that fact. I will not forget the things you said to me or about me.” ~scratch head~ Things I said ABOUT HER?? I want to know what was said and by who. I can guess and probably be correct in guessing but I want to know from her.
Now I need to check the letters that we sent back and forth, I am almost certain that at the end there, I was not nice and I called her a bitch a couple times, but I know “bitch” is not a reason to end a friendship.
I am not perfect at all as a human being, friend or mother. I bitch and complain like the best of you. Nobody is perfect. I am just really confused right now because I know what I told EX friend that I needed, I know it was a reasonable request. I know that MF is the ONLY person I talk to about my feelings at all. Today I just feel like MF is the reason EX friend feels this way and MF is the reason EX friend still finds out my feelings, but in very negative ways.
I should not care, my life is getting back in order, I am finally picking up the pieces from my marriage, my children are all doing very well, I have many new and interesting friends who like me for me. These new friends actually do the caring instead of me having to carry the weight all the time, all are equal, 30-something friendships and we have a great time.
Anyway, if you have read this far, thankx for listening, I needed to get this off my chest- the weight was too heavy. Also I am suppose to go for Easter dinner with MF tomorrow and I do not think I can confront her right now. I just do not know what to do, keep my mouth shut and keep going through this shit or loose another great friend who is most likely innocent, but loose her to relieve her from this BS too......what do I do???
~ I am sooooo HAPPY!! ~
I got my grade back on my 3 page school paper. This was my first assignment, here is my grade and teacher comment. {{I was trying to be all fancy with pretty cursive font}}
Grades for BUS105-90 : Business and Society
Instructor: Jesus Zamora
Grade Comments
Patricia,Good posting. There is some room for improvement. For example, do not use fancy fonts. Limit yourself to using Arial or Times News Romas, size 10 or 12.
~I'm Alive~
I worried a coupled friends there, sorry about that girls. I have been busy lately with school and things around the house here.
I finished my first assignments for class and I am happy with what I turned in, I just don't know what grade my teacher will give me. I am learning business management and it is all very new to me, very interesting, a lot of reading, a lot more complicated than I figured it to be. That is okay though, I love a good challenge.
The family is celebrating Easter at my brothers tomorrow. The men folk have to work on Sunday, so we are a day early this year. I have 7 dozen eggs to die early in the morning before we leave. Yes, 7 dozen, I know that seems like a lot but it isn't, not for this family, we are mainly all NO-Carbies and eat eggs everyday.
So, I know there are some other things I want to post about but I need sleep.....
until later when my brain has cooled a bit....Sweet dreams.
>>>>Here is a small spring offering I have been using for years. Created by Edain McCoy and very, VERY nice to do with children<<<<<<
Ostara celebrates the balance of light and dark, with light emerging triumphant, initiating rebirth of the earth and all those creatures and plants who live upon her.From ancient times through the present day, the humble egg has been the enduring symbol of this season for people in almost every culture the world over.
To use them in ritual that honors the earth as the womb of the Goddess, who gives life to all things, decorate hard boiled eggs in whatever manner you choose. On the day of the Equinox ~Sunday 3/21 this year~ take the eggs outside somewhere reasonably private where you can dig into the earth. Gentle tap the earth and tell the Goddess therein that it is time to awaken. With your hands, dig small holes in the ground in which to place the eggs.
These serve as an offering to the Goddess and nourishment for her after a long winter’s hibernation. It also symbolizes your desire to see life renewed again as summer approaches.
~~~Edain McCoy
Hey GIRLS, looky here, we get rid of the flu bug ANDDDDDD... Mercury Retrograde in Aries on March 19, 2005 at Aries 14' 06".
The Mercury Retrograde midpoint is on March 29 when the Sun conjuncts Mercury, called the *inferior conjunction*. Mercury will station Direct on April 12, 2005 at Aries 01' 44". Mercury will once again be at Aries 14' 06", and therefore out of the Retrograde shadow, on April 30, 2005. Since Mercury Retrogrades back to 1 Aries 44, Mercury enters the Retrograde shadow on March 5, 2005.
Want More do ya??Mercury retrograde in Aries. It's hard to review your thoughts when your thoughts are impulsively jumping around in search of the newest, hottest ideas and opinions. Easy does it easiest; the faster you go, the more malfunctions you'll encounter. If your newest ideas are not heard or seemingly taken in by the public, be patient; Aries is a seeding time and growth takes patience.
Ohhhh Yiiiipppeeeeeeeeeeeeee
~I am plum tuckered~
On waking today I noticed exactly how very trashed my home was! I had been laid up for ten days with 3 spoiled rotten children who obviously used the floor as the trash can. So as soon as I was able to see straight, I kicked the kiddos in the butt and we were cleaning.
After about 2 hours of this cleaning torture ~cough~ that I put my children through, we went to my brothers and had a great time there. I got too learn how to get more bugs out of a computer, got to visit with my sis-n-law and BEAUTIFUL niece. She is playing VERY SHY 2 year old right now! What a sweety, just wanna eat her up! I really do miss having her everyday. What I miss most is the lovin' now that she is acting all shy, but she will pop out of it soon enough.
The kids got to bug their uncle and got taken out to eat. Not sure how they talked him into that! LOL Those kids are hungry EVERY time they go over there.
We came back home and the kids finished watching me clean...ummm...I mean, the kids helped me finish cleaning, ~ yeah, that's it~.....and I, WE, have but ONE load of laundry left which I will switch before I sleep.
OK, now for the BIG NEWS..... I START SCHOOL TOMORROW!! I am sooo excited!
I will post about this more tomorrow after I get into class OR Monday after I finally get all my books. Now, I must get some sleep. I must remember I am no longer a teenager where I can sleep an hour or 2 and then go to school, I must have 8-9 hours of sleep!!
~~flu, flu, go away.....~
Unfortunately the 14th was not the day I came back into the living, it was a day of false hope. This damn flu has grabbed hold of me and will not let go. This is the end of day 10, I finally have had one full day without vomit! I have lost 15 pounds. I am all excited about that but I swear, I would rather have held onto the flab than gone through this.
So, I believe that it is over for me. 10 days for the flu is too long and I heard that it last 7 – 10 days anyway. Now my wonderful Nan is down with it. Hers started today. Lil Kel had the reparatory flu really bad but is doing better. Now our group needs some good healing energy cuz we are all going to Quincy to party on the 2nd of April!
~Wanna Smoke Some Bottle?~
~YO! Know how to smoke sum bottle??~
To explain....I went to Sally Beauty Supply today and got some HEMP Body Lotion.
I love this stuff, it is fantastic for dry skin, I got a 18OZ bottle for $7.
~Could not find a picture for ya's, but it is made by MOIST PRODUCTS COMPANY, Try it, you will LOVE it!~
I asked Brittany to hand me the bottle and being her silly self she says.....
"Yo, man, hand me that marijuana..... Then when Sam went to grab it from her again she says....
"Hey don't touch my Pot-o-Bottle" ~say THAT 3 times fast~
Ok, then she holds the spout up to her lips and inhales......
ummmm, hello-MOM-you ain't suppose to laugh at this, but......
Then, I did the same thing but I also added, holding it in and a cough.....
So Britt says....
"Yo, Man, you don't know how to smoke BOTTLE! Oh That's right, you are used to the paper version not the plastic!" and yanks it out of my hands!!
~foot note- Nah uh, Do not!~
Is it illegal to have THIS much fun with your kids??
To my dearest first born,
Last Wednesday and Thursday was very scary to you, I know this now. I have been thinking of this all day, the more I talk to family and friends, the more I find out what happened.
Ms. Jeanie told me that on Wednesday I was like a zombie that morning at work and she knew something was wrong. That makes since because, honestly I do not remember any of the week at all. I wish I never would have gotten sick, I truly wish you and your brother and sister would not have seen me that way. The more I think about myself not knowing at all what I was doing or saying to you guys, the more upset I become at the situation. I just can not imagine that was actually ME there those days, totally brainless. Worse than all my brain surgeries put together.
I want you to know that I am very proud of you.
I am very proud to be able to say that my daughter knew exactly what to do when I was ill.
I am very proud that you held your head, your emotions and you took control. You are such a leader, you are so grown up! I hate that you had to be forced into that, baby, but you made mom very, very happy and safe.
Thank you for being such a wonderful, beautiful young woman.
Thank you for being strong and holding me up when you should not have to, when I truly needed you and when you are too young to even understand.
You are so wonderful! I want the world to know what a beautiful gift I have in you! Thank you for being mine!
Maybe if I talk it out, I can see it differently and be able to get moving. #2 I get SSI in the amount of $655 and the kids each get $56, our rent is $600 which leaves $111. Now, I have to take my meds, that is a life or death thing. My meds have been cut and down-graded as much as they can be, I just do not know what I am gonna do - Let a Bush kill me off, along with all the others in my situation? Ok so, after I pay my rent and Meds, I have $26.00 left for my Gas and Electric bill. I also have a car that I drive very little, it needs gas and it is also Illegal. It needs new plates. I will most likely be made to pay a fine, personal property tax and I need insurance. The luxuries I have, my parents pay for; my dad pays my phone and mom buys my cigs. They both take care of any extras for the children. I am very glad I have them cuz that extra $26. a mnth does not stretch far at all. So I work at the school 3 hours a day. One hour in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. These hours totally screw up anything else I might get my hands on. I might bring home a $200 check and I get that once a month. Most days I wonder if it is really worth it. I have an industrial sewing machine here but no business to make money from, but it is here just in case a money making op comes this way. I have my own massage room in the basement of this building. I get paid $60 a hour for a full body massage and I ain't too shabby if I do say so myself but I only have 1 customer right now. I iron Army Fatigues, I iron anything really. I was taught to iron by my grandma and mom, so I am pretty good at starching those seams, but I have 2 customers and I totally UNDER charge! ~stomps foot~ I clean houses. I do best when I am left in a room alone, no interruptions. I am anal and I am fast. When I was in Florida I charged $20 an hour and that is what I will start charging here. Right now the only "customer" I have is a really good friend. So I sit here, staring at this screen, trying to figure out how to group all this together, get customers and make money.......All I get is bald patches from pulling my hair out..... oh YEAH ....... and a phone call from the EX. He wants the divorce and NOW. He has one piece of paper that he already has filled out and all he needs is my SS#. blllhahaha, like he will get away with all the pain he had caused and leave without paying for it.....Whatever, he is so naive!Listening to: Matchbox Twenty
Waiting for: American Idol
I am hungry, I am aggravated, I am motivated but I am procrastinating. I have so many things on my mind and have had for about a week now and all I can seem to do about it is sit here on my ass wondering what to blog about.
What things you ask?
Well, like how the heck does a single mother of 3 make it in this world with a Bush in office.
#1 I take 20 pills a day, 11 prescriptions that up to a couple months ago, Medicaid was paying for. Slowly, one by one, the drugs I need to stay in remission are falling off the Medicaid coverage list. What used to cost no more than $13.00 a month is now costing $85.00.
1. What's on your refrigerator? A couple pictures & about 20 awards for Honor Roll from the school.
2. What color is your refrigerator? White
3. Is the freezer on the top, bottom or side? Top
4. How old is your fridge? Does it match your stove? My fridge is a month old and it is the same color as my stove.
5. How regularly do you clean the inside of your fridge? Not as often as I should, I through away leftovers when I can no longer recognize them.
~It is a Wonderful Life~
I am sitting here wondering what I have to blog about, thinking there was nothing but the AMAZING WEATHER we had today.
Then I realized, I spent the whole, beautiful day with some really GREAT people that I am forever grateful for!
My kiddos and I made a fantastic screensaver for the PC, full of our fave pics shuffling through to the beat of the Numa Numa song! It is GREAT!
Then I took the girls to Marie's house so that Britt could be with her BF while Zac and I went to Sharon's.
We spend a couple hours at Sharon's and shared coffee and great conversation as always!
I realize every time I go see her that I really enjoy it there and should go more often, so I will be headed back later this week. It always kills me to leave her and her wonderful hubby sitting out by a fire. He builds the BEST of fires, so wonderful to sit by with a cup of coffee and friends.
We left there to go pick up the girls and Britt's BF had made us all dinner! It was so good! BBQ chicken, fresh green beans and rice! I had to leave there way to soon because the twins had homework they left for the last minute. Marie is another person I do not spend nearly enough time with!
Spring break is coming up and I plan on spending as much time as I can with my friends. I am grateful for them all, I enjoy them all and hope they enjoy me just the same.
I need to get busy finding things we can all get together and do ~for free~ just in case the weather is as nice, during spring break, as it was today.
But Right now...........
I have 3 cats CHASING 2 Chinchillas around my living room while 2 of my kids are chomping Pop Rocks and making me sick and the other is explaining a book to me.......
So, for not having a thing to say, I have said a lot....
I put an auto slideshow under my title.
Leave a comment to let me know if it works for you.
You should see the pictures cycle though on their own.
We have a new addition to our family!
This is not a picture of Charlie himself, I will get one soon, but this is what he looks like. He is a 3 y/o standard gray Chin and he is so VERY lovable!
We already have Frassy
who is a year old.
Right now they are in separate cages but I know that in a short while they will be the best of friends.
I thank Steph for picking us for the adopted family for Charlie. I feel for her, I have had to give up pets and I know it hurts, bad. I hope she calls and or reads here often to see how he is doing. I will try to post on our progress. I am so excited! I can't wait to clean out their cages, I am just letting them nap now and I will put them in their exercise balls later to clean. They should have fun chasing each other around!
I need LOVE and I need it NOW. I have been single now since March of last year. Single as in - no committed relationship. I gave myself time to reorganize myself, my life, my priorities. I gave myself time to get to know who the real ME is and I have come to find out that I really like who I am. I am a fantastic mother, a great friend, a not-so-great communicator but I am working on that. I am also not so good with my money, I spend it as fast as I make it but I work hard for the money I do make. I do not use my disabilities as an excuse to sit on my azz and get things handed to me and I think that is what I like most about myself. I am strong, I do not quit, I am a survivor and I always will be.
So the past week I have been thinking that it would be nice to find a special someone to share ME with. In the past I did make some bad choices when it came to men but I do not regret any of them. I did not know who I was then so how was I suppose to know what I wanted or needed in a relationship?
I still do not know what I will NEED in my relationships but I am confident that I will be able to find a mate who is compatible.
I have a description of the man I wish to meet. I am going to add it here so when I do become involved, I can come back and see how close I was to describing him.
He Loves children and can still "play" like a child when the mood strikes. He loves to laugh and make others laugh. He is spontaneous but down to earth, dominant but not an azzhole, not set in his own ways, flexible. He is a brunette standing 6'+, not obese but not a "body-builder" either. He is average, cuddly, with love handles. He likes to camp, fish and hunt. He likes to go to the bar with his friends, a social drinker ~only~, ummmm, yeah, not an alcoholic or drug addict, I already had one of each in my life and learned my lessons there. He loves to have friends over to the house to play cards or just hang out but also very much enjoys cuddling on the couch for a quite night of movie watching with only me. He has a good full time job that he plans on staying with for years to come and/or has a plan for school to advance in his career.
What does he get with me, you ask?
Well, I am a mom to 3 children and my body will make no more, but my heart is very open to more children. I am a child at heart and love to play. I love the outdoors, camping, shooting, fishing, hiking....I also love a quite night at home, candle light and a movie. I am very spontaneous, I do not like to be "bored" so I quite often jump up and just GO. I am submissive to my man only and aggressive in life in general. I am a romantic, being the one to start, set-up the romantic scene, I love to pamper people, be surrounded by friends. I live to see my children smile and be happy and I love to surround them with friends also, we have a lot of sleep-overs.
I am 5'9" and lovable. I am disabled but 99% of the time you can not tell, I work hard on myself. I am a seamstress,I clean houses, give full body massages and I work at the school my children attend. I am also now going to school myself for Criminal Justice and will have my Bachelors Degree in May 2005. You can see pics of me at http://www.geocities.com/jagayla/trishspage It is really hard for me to describe myself physically. I am 34 years old and I am looking for someone who is a couple years older than I am and who I am MEANT to be with. If we are meant to be, we will know it as soon as the first date.
What is way worse than having the flu myself??
My babies being sick with it! I hate that there is nothing that I can do to take away the nausea, muscle aches, headaches and plain ol' blahness that comes with the flu.
It is a good thing that, with children, the flu seems to only hang around for 24-30 hours. With adults it last WEEKS, I am at the end of week2 myself, all respiratory.
My poor Samantha had it bad, it hit hard out of nowhere and then was gone just as fast. She had no fever with it thank goodness, but I swear I seen her turn inside out a couple times. Yeah, it IS that bad! If you haven't had it yet, beware!
We had a kid a school have a seizure due to fever because of this flu.
All that said, it is Friday night and no matter how sick we all feel, we ALL want to go out on the town. I am not sure if we will. Trixie is not playing at HOR tonight, which is where I usually see them when I drop the kids off at Rollercade.
I really don't have the $$$ for Rollercade anyway, but I suppose that is what MeMaw is for. If I get the $$ for them to go, i will end up sitting there with them all night.
I need to rest, I have to get to Sharons this weekend. I think it will be nice enough to get the kids out of her house so I can get it all nice and clean for her and her hubby!
I also am updating my family page which takes time and I want to start another blog.
I love working HTML, such a challenge!
Anyway TTFN
~Aloha Aloha~
This weeks Idol is over, has been since Wednesday, I am slow on the post. I have been mourning the loss of Aloha, as I am sure a lot of people are, even the judges.
I just pray she comes back as a WildCard!
~Hello, my name is Patricia and I am an Idolaholic.~
Yes I am and I am proud, I have been completely addicted to American Idol for 4 seasons now and the only part I can do without when it comes to that show is Ryan Seacrest. He drives me crazy but I put up with him and the mental pain he causes cuz I am an addict.
So I have to say that as far as the guys go this season, I am in agreement with CowGirl. My girls and I pray nightly that the sexy, yummilicious BO wins, but here are our top 3.
1. Bo Bice ~YEAH BABY~
2. Nikko Smith ~St Louis! ~
3. Scott Salvo ~Sweet n Sassy ~
They all 3 rock, any of them would make us happy really.
We are watching the girls tonight and girl #6 NADIA TURNER is up.....
~pause to listen~Ohhh she is good!
My choice in girls have to be:
#1 Aloha Mischeaux ~St Louis' own~
#2 Janay Castine ~I thought she was awesome tonight but the judges said she wasn't~
#3 Nadia Turner ~Always good~
Ok, I voted and Voted and Voted....yes I voted OFTEN....like 10+ times. Seacrest said I could!
Now I must watch HOUSE!
