Profound Passions of Persephone: <img src="" />


Do You Remember When………..

You were twitterpaited for the first time. That wonderful “puppy love” that seemed so true? Remember when he or she broke your heart? Remember that PAIN, agonizing, horrible pain? Your heart was being ripped out of your chest and you had no power to stop it?


Well, I found I worse pain last night, dealing with this “puppy love”.

My 13 year old has been “seeing” a boy since the beginning of school. They consider themselves boyfriend/girlfriend and say they are dating, even though they haven’t had a date. My rules there, my baby is still too young. B had, over the months, developed feelings for him. He has come over here and spent time with her, bought her gifts and she had gone to his place where he cooked her dinner.

From him, she got her first kiss.

Last night B learned her BF had gotten into trouble and she knew she had to make a choice. She told herself the last time he was in trouble that if it happened again, she would end the relationship.

She fought, HARD, with the choice she had to make. She ran off to hide and I wouldn’t let her. I sat with her, for support. I reminded her that this was her choice and that I trust that she would make the right decision.

She cried, hard, for a long while. She hurt so badly, I could feel her heart being ripped apart and it hurt me worse than any body ever could.

What really hurt the worse was when she said, through her tears, “I messed up! I told myself I would never mess up and now I did! I got into {BF} and he turned into what I never wanted and my grades are lower and I do not feel good about myself. I messed up so bad!”

All I could do is hold her and cry with her. I told her how brilliant and beautiful she is. The wisdom she has at the age of 13 is just remarkable. After the crying, we did a lot of male bashing, she went through the anger phase & threw out the teddy bears he gave her. Not too long after that we were laughing and she was finally able to try to sleep.

See, I trust my children, I talk to them as the young adults they are. I taught them right from wrong and they, all 3, know what I expect from them. I never have had to make a choice for them, just gently guide them down the right path. They always make me so very proud.

When B said she messed up because she let her grades fall for the time she spent on this BF, I was so VERY PROUD. The choice she made was the right one, I had no doubt it would be. It’s just that I am not sure how I can go though this heartbreak with my children. It hurts so VERY bad, I can’t take that hurt from them….I am powerless and I know this is only the very beginning.
