Profound Passions of Persephone: <img src="" />


Horoscope Quickie:
Obligations pull you in two directions. This time, you'll have to make a choice.

Daily Extended Forecast for March 27, 2005

At heart, you're basically a very social animal. You love nothing better than being with kindred spirits who understand you -- which isn't always easy to come by, since you're much smarter than the average bear. So once you find those soul mates, you'll do anything to keep them happy. And handy. You're in a very different mood right now, though, and it might feel unfamiliar. You want to hibernate, to make the world go away. Don't worry, you're not losing your mind. This is normal.

Well thank the gods it's NORMAL! I am missing out on a very fun day with MF, my own decision. I hope she understands, I am not good company today {per last post}.
I did catch her b4 she read it though and I am glad. I do not find any of this her fault at all, just that she was caught in the middle and things said where not things heard. We are adults here and I know it will work out the way it is suppose to. I just need to get through this fog.
