Yup- perfict picture for me tonight!
***picture caption:Women do not snore, burp, sweat or pass gas. Therefore they must BITCH or they will BLOW UP***
I am a bit....no- A LOT bummed right now!
It is a little after 10PM and my children are gone {sleep-overs} and most of my friends are at House of Rock listening to the greatest cover band EVER!
I wasn't going to go out, I have no money at all but I thought-what the hell, at least I can see everyone. So, I got dressed, did my hair and when I started to put on my make-up, my body just turned on me. Same shit that has been happening for the past two months!
I am really getting tired of this crap! If I drink water, then the water should stay down, NOT come back up!! Barfing up pills freaking BURNS and taste like shit.
So now, I am here in my messy living room, ALONE, with a headache from hell. I miss my girls {friends} so much and I know that if I could get out to see them, I would feel so much better.
I just hate days like this. My damn doctors better figure out what the hell is wrong with me and FAST cuz I can not do this anymore.
OK so now that I bitched and this has now turned into a whine-post, I am gonna make the best out of a quiet house.
I am gonna let the Chin's run about in their balls and the Hampster too, turn on some music that reminds me of Trixie and CLEAN.