Profound Passions of Persephone: <img src="" width=78 height=34>


~*~Well that lasted longer than I wanted it to!~*~

I quit my job. Yep, I have been sick and in tremendous pain for 4 days now and I am guessing it is because I sit in front of a computer for 3+ hours before I am allowed to move. NOT a good thing for the Chiari. There are certain things Chiarians can do when forced to sit in front of computers, however, this POE will not allowed for: foot rest, lumbar pillows or fans. So.....they can have the job back and I will go collect my 1 1/2 week check in a couple days.
I will not put myself and my family back through the suffering of my illness when I truely do not need to.
I have decided to do whet I can from home- use my talents.... so I am posting this message all over the net.........

Hello everyone,

I am in need of some donated items;
~such as material- any kind of fabric, even bits and pieces;
~YARN, any colors even just scraps are okay;
~thread, any colors

If you have any thing laying in the back of your closets you want to get rid of, please pass them onto me. I plan on making dresses and robes and I am also going to start back on my Afghans so that I can make money. Working outside the home is not doable with my health right now, so I am going to try this.

If you have anything just email me here and let me know!
Thank you in advance!!

Now if YOU are reading this here and want to email is ~~THANKX~~
