Profound Passions of Persephone: <img src="" width=78 height=34>


No secret, I have been married three times. All three times something happened that was major and made it to where I had to leave that man. The only one I could have possibly stayed with was my second husband who was an alcoholic. We both made an agreement that we would be better off splitting and it was very amicable divorce.

My first husband beat me, terribly and ended up putting me in the hospital for a week. I left him after three months. I was 19 y.o. But strong enough to leave {thank the gods}.None of my "friends" believed that he could have ever done such a thing- until he married again and started beating his next wife and CHILDREN. {fools}

My last husband raped me and is extremely dangerous and very capable of doing much worse according to a doctor that is, himself, too frightened to see him.

When I was 18 y.o I was engaged to a very wealthy young man who was in the Navy. His family was GREAT- he was a VERY abusive alcoholic.

I have quite the pattern going on here, don’t I? It has a lot to do with the fact that I grew up in a very abusive home and these type of men are all I am used to and comfortable with!

Now, ALL of these men where WELCOMED with OPEN ARMS by my family and all of my friends! They where all liked very much! Let me add here that these type of men, by my perceptions, are very good at bullshitting people.

It was not until AFTER I had to leave these men that anyone one had anything BAD to say about them. When they where gone there was never anything good said about any of them again.

So, Okay, I made a wrong choice with these men, I broke it off with these men. My whole life has been FULL of these men. My whole life has been FULL of people telling me that THEY, TOO, like these type of men, until they are gone, of course.

So now I have a quite man. I have a man in my life that:
#1 Is a GREAT FATHER to his children
#2 Has a job he works his ass off at
#3 Takes care of HIMSELF and his loved ones
#4 He is a GENTALMAN
#5 He is not a fighter/not loud/not argumentative
#6 VERY respectful
#7 NOT a drug addict/ alcoholic
#8 NOT a cheater {even though some think so}
#9 He knows how to DRIVE a car!! LOL
#10 He is very loving/handsome/sincere/caring/strong

Those who have known me, know that I have said MANY good things about those other men also. I know that, so I sit back and wonder, am I doing that with HIM? Maybe I was at first… I stopped and took a good-hard look at what kind of person he really is and in conclusion ; all of the above is true.

So why is it that NO ONE in my life, none of my friends or family like him?
Well, the answer they give me is this…..He is disrespectful because he does not talk to them. He does not acknowledge their existence. This is not just from one person but from many he has met.
He is a very quite, self-contained person until you get to know him. He did the same to me when we first met.
Right now there are many “signs” that everyone sees. Keep in mind, this is what they see on the outside of him. Since he is a quite man, I tend to be quite about “us”.
The relationship he was in before kind of kept him in a bland state of existence and there was no need to make anything of himself-ever, even though he has great desire to become so much more. I won’t go into too much here about him as I am sure once people get to know him they will see for themselves.

The reason for this blog is just this…….
IF I and ALL OF MY FRIENDS and FAMILY where totally wrong about all of the other men in my life………thinking they were such GREAT men……and
None of them like this one………
What is that telling me???

Comments are VERY welcome
