Profound Passions of Persephone: <img src="" img width="200" />


Which book has influenced your path the most and why?
As far as influencing MY path, I can't be certain as I am very eclectic, however, all of SilverRaven Wolf's books are used in my home as teaching AIDS for the children.

What person has influenced your path the most and why?
My Great grandmother and great Aunt. I was very young when they both past away, however, I remember the herbal remedies they used to cure anything and everything. They also hand made everything and I remember being able to see and feel the energy they put into their work.

Why are you pagan?
This is hard. I have written this answer, partially a couple times and was not ever quite able to finish. I am Pagan for MANY reasons. I am bettering myself, my environment, my children, their lives, the lives of their offspring....I could go on about HOW I came to be and WHY......The bottom line is, I am Pagan because I am Pagan!
