Profound Passions of Persephone: <img src="" width=78 height=34>


Been on the telly with DFS, Child Support, Community Action of Affton for ANY...ANY help that they offer disabled people in the county. Seems I have to be BLIND, age 65 or older and HOMELESS...Yes...Tent, gutter, you got get ANY kind of assistance at all.
I am JUST a little FED UP with the Flippen US Government lately. G.W.Bush can burn for all I care. Up until a year after he got his squirmy ass in office, I was able to pay for the medication I NEED to take to keep up with life. He has since changed all of that. Taken the precriptions HE feels are not necessary to be covered and making us {us being disabled and elderly} pay FULL PRICE.
Let me ask you....When you get 683$ a month in SSI, 600$ goes to a roof over your head, the rest to utilities, you have 3 GROWING children, how in the HELL are you going to pay full price for medications that cost over 200$ a month???????
Here is the run down on my meds....
Effexor ....$106.00.....this is cover, cost me $2.00
Zomig.......$193.02.....this is NOT covered
Zonegran....$250.95.....this is cover for NOW but soon will not be....THIS is a SEIZURE MEDICATION ....WTF!!!!!! URGGGGGGGGGG

You know, I seen a commercial some time ago, they will not play it any more, or at least I haven't seen it in awhile. It is of an elderly couple talking about drug prices and going to Canada to get cheaper drugs. The elderly man says, "if Bush makes it illegal, then let him through me in jail and then HE CAN PAY FOR MY MEDICATIONS HIMSELF!"
I truly think they should play that commercial every 5 minutes on every damn television channel out there! I TOTALLY AGREE!

Let me reiterate here. I am talking ONLY about medications to keep a person ALIVE and KICKIN'. As far as pain, I LIVE in pain EVERYDAY. I do NOT have one day without pain, after awhile you just learn to breath through it, so what if the Bush Baby wants to not cover pain meds, who cares, there are other ways to take care of pain. I swear to the gods, if he doesn't let my prescription coverage cover the meds I NEED and I have a seizure, I will find someone, anyone to pay for it- in FULL- one way or another.

I feel so damn sorry for our elderly. You know we have already had many elderly deaths here in St Louis because of the heat. Yes, they had AC but they can not afford to turn it on because they have to have their medications.

Great.......Now after all my rambling, I have to find a way to fix this but I am not sure if one person can make such a big change.

Thankx for listening, now I will go punch a wall!
