Profound Passions of Persephone: <img src="" width=78 height=34>


I was going to name this post "Why Do I Need a Man"
but I know why I need MY Man! We just aren't gonna go that direction with this particular post cuz
Today I SMELL like a Man!

No-I have NOT lost my mind. In fact I just finished drywalling, taping and mudding the bathroom and installing the toilet all on my own! WOOT WOOT! OHHH Yeah- Look at me! All Stinky and Dusty and Proud!

boy am I tired, time for a cold beer and the damn remote control...

PS Siddalee update: She had surgery and it went well. The vet pulled a piece of yarn out of her intestines yesterday. She FINALLY ate a little food this afternoon and the vet still needs to watch her until tomorrow, I guess to make sure she eats more and has a BM.
