I have not been neglecting my blog, oh no not me, in fact, both of my computers where down. Could not connect to the internet on one and the other was the blue-screen-of-doom and along comes the Guru of PC's and like magic, I am back on line!
I just don't know how he does it, I mean I have got to have the oldest PCs in the metro area and he gets them to run like new!!
I can not thank him enough!!
So while I was down I actually blogged on paper....
ok, so down with my written journal updates:
"I had the most PERFECT day! I think I actually love Mondays now!
Since John has been home, I have easily fallen back into my role of wife.
Today the laundry is done. Everything washed, dried and put away except the PJ's everyone is wearing right now.
I cleaned the kitchen, everything in it's place. Cleaned out the refrigerator. Picked up the living room and this morning my bed was made as soon as my feet hit the floor.
We also went shopping for school supplies.$100.00 for paper, pencils and folders for 3 kids. John was not at all pleased and we had our first argument since he has been home. It was not a big one and we were able to talk and work out our frustrations.
To top off our day, we crawled into bed by 11pm. As we lay there spooning, John slept with his hand lovingly cupping a part of me." {swoon}
"Compared to yesterday, I feel like I accomplished nothing at all today. I wanted to get the living room done and I didn't even touch it.
The kids and I spent time with Leslie today. Her and her sweety are moving out of state and they are getting rid of everything. {they promise to start updating their blogs asap!} I got some really awesome clothes and
we had a great visit. I am so grateful that we are able to get along and talk again.
John started working with Lil' Kel's hubby yesterday. He is really enjoying himself. He and Joe get along very well and have the same work ethics. I think it is a good thing for them both.
For some reason my body hurts really bad today. I have done pretty good at ignoring it, but WOW, as I sit here and write I swear I can feel every single joint in my body!"
"I had to ask mom for money again today. John gets paid on Monday and I told her that I would pay her back then but she will never take it, she never does {yes, I have offered a couple times to pay her back}
Mom and dad have really been great to the kids and I. I try to tell her that I really appreciate it but she shrugs me off. I hate asking her for help, god I HATE IT, but she somehow thinks that I enjoy it. Not sure which is worse, asking parents for help or selling yourself for it, with both I feel like dog shit on the bottom of peoples shoes and I hate it.
I don't know how the hell I am going to buy the kids shoes to go to school in but I am not going to ask. Mom already spent a lot on clothes for them.
Now that John is back and I will be working from home, we should get caught up soon. Maybe we can buy mom & dad a great cruise package, this would be something I would want to do anyway, not just for gratitude.
Gonna take pills and sleep, my first work day starts early in the morning!"
I just have to say that "S" over at "She Dances" has the best hubby ever!
You know, like days of old, pen and paper!
Before I type up all the stuff I wrote, I have to tell you, I GOT A JOB!
Yup, me making money again and it feels great!! I was put on a list for home workers at the factory my Aunt works for and it took them a year to call me! This is not like the "normal" workathomejob. I am actually making money, minimum wage, but it is easy work. The only part of it that sucks-big-time is having to carry the boxes of work up 3 flights of stairs. Now that My Hubby is back home, he gets to carry the boxes and it does not make him happy. I feel so bad about it and really I try to help but he won't let me. It does pay off though and I am sure that if I spoil him enough, he will forget about the boxes for a day.
I did keep the laundry done and the kitchen clean.
Ok, so I know it was a long read, bunches of days all in one post, but do YOU have anything to add??
Nite nite, signing off at 2:48AM Sunday Morning!