~A busy Sunday~
John is off work today, so of course I couldn't just let him have a day off work to relax now could I??
We went to see my grandma and had a really good time!
Brittany took her clarinet and Zac took the guitar and I took pictures.
Brittany made me soooo proud. She played her clarinet like a pro. Grandma about fell out of her chair after she gave Brittany a piece to play {Stranger on the Shore} and Britt played the first half with almost no mistakes! She is so wonderful and so very talented!!
Zac sat down with Grandma and they both had their guitars, both acoustic. Zac didn't play too much but gave it a really good try. He gave up when his fingers started hurting. I am so glad he tried!
Sam was next to sit down with Grandma and the guitars. She gave it a great shot, she played "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and learned some new notes.
Then Brittany on guitar, PaPa Joe sat down with his electric guitar, Britt and Grandma on acoustic. Britt had never tried to play before but learned some notes and decided at that time that she WILL master ALL instruments!
All three of my babies make me so very happy! I was beaming with pride at how well behaved they were and how they interacted with our grand parents and played with them!
Grandma was so very happy to see John again. When she said she was glad he was back and he said that he was very happy to be back, I teared up!
We really have a beautiful and wonderful family! I am so very lucky, so proud and happy. I must have done something right early in life to have what I do now. I don't know what I did but I am so very glad I did it!
Before we went home we stopped at mom's. I just had to have Brittany play "Stranger On The Shore" for mom, I really thought she would tear up. As soon as we got there, though, it got VERY busy. My cousin Maggie and her 4 y/o son came over and then Rosy and the baby showed up. Britt TRIED to play and she did so VERY well but mom was just too busy at that time for it to affect her. Britt is gonna practice more and make mom come HERE so she can listen with no interruptions.
We then went to QT, I bought John some real cigarettes instead of the El Cheap Os we been smokin, cuz he was such a good boy. :evil smirk:
Got the kids some ice cream and came home.
It is about 7:30 and I bet they are really hungry so I need to get up and cook some fast dinner.
School tomorrow!! yippeeeee
Early to bed, early to rise!!
FIRST....Before I go. I need to add that I took my kiddos to a bar last night for some karioke. It is a family place and I got to spend time with my good friends K and her hubby. The night did NOT go as planned, the karioke guy never showed. I think the owners are going to shut it down which is a major bummer. It would hurt my friend so bad because he has put so much into this place. I just don't want to see him hurt.
Marie came out of surgery yesterday evening and is doing very well. Your prayers helped a great deal! Thank you
Sounds like she might come home this weekend. I hope she can, she is so bored in there.
Ok, now I am off to take the kiddos to karaoke. Gonna meet some friends there too.
Prayer request
I know most of you do not know the person that I am asking prayers for, but every little bit will help.
I have a very dear friend that is in the hospital right now because she had an aneurysm. She is facing brain surgery in the morning and I can tell she is very scared.
The aneurysm is located directly in the middle of her brain, so it sounds like the surgery will take a couple hours.
Her name is Marie, she is a mom to a 14 year old boy and has a boyfriend of many years. She still has a lot of life to live and so much to give.
Please send her thoughts out in your prayers.
Thank you
~Time management~
This has been a problem with me for the past week. I started my new job, working from home. My position is called - pinner, mainly because when this business started, the home workers where only putting pins into badges and packing them. Now they do so much more. My fave thing to pack is Glue Pin Badges, I am fast so I can make it to where I am paid double the amount by getting the work done in half the time but recording the actual rate.
Anywho- Since I started this on Wednesday, I have put in 60.5 hours. Yeah, kinda jumped right into the job and took way to much work. I had a friend work with me and I am paying her to help her out too and it makes for a fun work environment!
I started getting sick, again, just plain wore out and decided {with the help of Mom, John and friends} that I really need to slow down. Remember my post on how clean the house was? Well,needless to say, with putting in all the hours worked, things are piling up again.
So yesterday, I had to really think about how I am going to manage my time. I actually got the kitchen cleaned again before 3pm yesterday and when I went out to work, I only brought home 4 hours of work, instead of the 10-18 hours I have been taking.
I let my employer know that I am disabled and although I LOVE the job and really want to work, I need to cut back. If I don't slow down I would get sick again and not be able to work for weeks at a time. They were okay with this and helped me figure out how much to take to be able to get my [part time] hours in.
On top of working, I am going to have a friends baby every Wednesday, except today. She messed up her knee and will be staying home today, so this gives me time to catch up around here and rest to get my strength back. It's a good thing.
So I have been up since 5:30am [getting kids off to school] and have written my first "Time management" schedule. Of course this is trial and error but I hope to get a schedule I and my family can work with. I also have to make a new chores list for the kiddos cuz they can help me a lot!!
Schedule so far:
Kids to school 6:45am & 7:45am
Chores at home 8Am - 1pm
Take back finished work 1pm-2pm [an hour drive]
Rest & nap 2-3:30 pm
Kids home from school 3:30pm
Home work, pay bills, any paperwork 3:30-5pm
Cook, eat dinner, dishes 5-7pm
Work [4 hours/day] 7-11pm
Bed before midnight and take John to work somewhere in there.
Sleep, wake up and do it again.
Seems to be easy enough, I'll see what happens after doing this today. This day will be a good one to start this mainly cuz I have pain {from working too much} and I am tired this morning. So wish me luck!
YIPPY!!! WHOOO HOOOO! I Love my babies but I LOVE school too!!
School days, school days,
Dear old golden rule days.
'Readin' and 'ritin' and 'rithmetic,
Taught to the tune of a hick'ry stick.
You were my queen in calico,
I was your bashful barefoot beau,
And you wrote on my slate,
'I love you, Joe,'
When we were a couple of kids.
With special thanks to Terry Kluytmas
Which internet subculture do I belong to? [CLICK] You are a FURRY! You are a sick, sick, individual. Stop lusting over animals! Take off that fursuit and quit yiffing. No-one likes furry art! STOP NOW! More Quizzes at Go-Quiz.com
I am NOT asleep!!
I took my night time pills, which usually knock me on my ass and
I just did the dishes {night gown soaked from splashed water}.
I think I will play solitaire until I fall asleep.
Wish me luck cuz I obviously need it.
I have not been neglecting my blog, oh no not me, in fact, both of my computers where down. Could not connect to the internet on one and the other was the blue-screen-of-doom and along comes the Guru of PC's and like magic, I am back on line!
I just don't know how he does it, I mean I have got to have the oldest PCs in the metro area and he gets them to run like new!!
I can not thank him enough!!
So while I was down I actually blogged on paper....
ok, so down with my written journal updates:
"I had the most PERFECT day! I think I actually love Mondays now!
Since John has been home, I have easily fallen back into my role of wife.
Today the laundry is done. Everything washed, dried and put away except the PJ's everyone is wearing right now.
I cleaned the kitchen, everything in it's place. Cleaned out the refrigerator. Picked up the living room and this morning my bed was made as soon as my feet hit the floor.
We also went shopping for school supplies.$100.00 for paper, pencils and folders for 3 kids. John was not at all pleased and we had our first argument since he has been home. It was not a big one and we were able to talk and work out our frustrations.
To top off our day, we crawled into bed by 11pm. As we lay there spooning, John slept with his hand lovingly cupping a part of me." {swoon}
"Compared to yesterday, I feel like I accomplished nothing at all today. I wanted to get the living room done and I didn't even touch it.
The kids and I spent time with Leslie today. Her and her sweety are moving out of state and they are getting rid of everything. {they promise to start updating their blogs asap!} I got some really awesome clothes and
we had a great visit. I am so grateful that we are able to get along and talk again.
John started working with Lil' Kel's hubby yesterday. He is really enjoying himself. He and Joe get along very well and have the same work ethics. I think it is a good thing for them both.
For some reason my body hurts really bad today. I have done pretty good at ignoring it, but WOW, as I sit here and write I swear I can feel every single joint in my body!"
"I had to ask mom for money again today. John gets paid on Monday and I told her that I would pay her back then but she will never take it, she never does {yes, I have offered a couple times to pay her back}
Mom and dad have really been great to the kids and I. I try to tell her that I really appreciate it but she shrugs me off. I hate asking her for help, god I HATE IT, but she somehow thinks that I enjoy it. Not sure which is worse, asking parents for help or selling yourself for it, with both I feel like dog shit on the bottom of peoples shoes and I hate it.
I don't know how the hell I am going to buy the kids shoes to go to school in but I am not going to ask. Mom already spent a lot on clothes for them.
Now that John is back and I will be working from home, we should get caught up soon. Maybe we can buy mom & dad a great cruise package, this would be something I would want to do anyway, not just for gratitude.
Gonna take pills and sleep, my first work day starts early in the morning!"
Ok, what is THIS emotion???
John got paid today, which is a freaking blessing, but John had told the kids that he would buy some things for them. Ummmm okay then........
All of the sudden I had this emotion wash over me and I don't know why.
John bought the girls a $30 CD player and Zac got a Spiderman2 PS2 game.
Out of nowhere I start to cry and John was really concerned. We settled on that I was feeling guilty. Spending money makes me feel VERY guilty. For 2 years I pinched pennies and borrowed money and wasn't able to buy "extras" for my family.
I also haven't gotten my hair cut since the brain surgeries, so we stopped of at Great Clips and I got 3" cut off and my hair is no longer hay-like.
So, I stopped crying but I think I still feel guilty. It is going to be really hard for me to have money. Money to pay bills, to get hair cuts, to get "extras", TO PAY BILLS- wow!
Anyway, it is time for John to get to work.
I am gonna do some things around here tonight so I don't feel guilty or feel like a mooch.
I am his wife, why do I feel like a mooch???
I just thought it was a really cute idea!
I hope that all of my fine readers are doing as great as I am!!
If you are not, then SMILE.......Come on you can do itttttt....................................................{said in my best Tony Little voice}!!!!
I am so happy that I have my hubby home! He has been off for 2 days and it is like we are getting to know each other all over again. We laugh and sing and wrestle with the kids. It is great to have his humor in our home again! There is so much I want us to do, like family day trips or just him & myself going out but that takes $$$$ which we will be short on for a long while.
Strange how our separation has given us the ability to understand each other, SEE each other and communicate more smoothly.
I also love the fact that my friends have missed him as well. I love to see him interact with them all and make them smile. He has always had a way about him.
In fact, we were talking about going to visit S tomorrow before he goes to work. She is still down and I wasn't able to see her today.
I am actually suppose to have a friends baby tomorrow so she can have time for herself but she never called to confirm. I also have to run a pattern back to Bag Masters, but I am doing that early morning.
I have been so busy!! I just can't be busy enough. I wonder how much "Happiness" plays into that. I am always finding something to do.....Dishes 3+ times a day, laundry {but now I have no more to wash, I sewed shirts and pants for Kel yesterday, {and VERY much enjoyed the visit!} Library, Zoo, Botanical Gardens} All to just BE FAMILY! I have always loved playing house.....lol I am damn good at it if I do say so myself.
I hope we can get out and see S tomorrow and maybe hit the library before he goes to work. I guess we will play it as it comes!
Now I must go google at my man as he sits in front of the PS2 playing the X Man game and letting the ashes from his cigarette fall to the floor!!
WHAT A MAN!!! aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Sorry about the quizzes, they are just a great time waster! I have SO MUCH to get done around here but I am not going to get started on it until later tonight. I am waiting to take John to work and pick up my kiddos from S's. I am going to try really hard to not over-work us tonight like I did the other day.
We are moving the bedrooms around again and getting rid of things that we do not need and the other night I worked the hell out of all of us.
I want to get this all done while John is at work so he doesn't have to worry about it and he can just be comfortable.
We had a great day yesterday. He got off work and we spent time over at S's home and John got to catch up on everything with them. They talk so well together and actually enjoy each others company. It makes me very happy to see them happy!
When we came home {alone} we had a great night! We talked a lot and it got emotional and I can feel us getting closer every minute.
It is like he never gone and it is WONDERFUL!
Your element is Fire: Strong, hot tempered,
powerful, and passionate. Well now lets see,
being fire you are quite strong and powerful,
people look up to you greatly and often seek
your protection. You have the ability to gain
many friends and you are always one people can
count on to do what you say you will do. You
are extremely loyal be it friends or family
you'll stick up for them and you are never
willing to put them in a position that could
hurt them. You know what roll you play in life,
leader, and you intend to let people know it.
Not everyone is capable of leadership but you
certainly have the willpower and flare to do
it. You have quite a temper if it shows itself,
one that can often lead you into trouble. Once
your mind is made up there is no changing it
but no one said that was a bad thing.
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
brought to you by Quizilla
Romance makes you heartbeat. Romance is like the
breath before the plunge, If the plunge was
love that is! Although many dismiss romantics
as stupid little children they are often
intelligent and resourceful. Love to love, love
to live!
What Makes Your Heartbeat?
brought to you by Quizilla
People see you as a Dreamer. You always have your
head in the clouds and long for a better place.
Dreamers are imaginative and creative and often
have a very short attention span. My
recamendation to all dreamers is to try to make
all your dreams come true! Never say Never my
dear dreamer!
What Do People Truly See You As? (lots of outcomes and stunning pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla
People see you as a Dreamer. You always have your
head in the clouds and long for a better place.
Dreamers are imaginative and creative and often
have a very short attention span. My
recamendation to all dreamers is to try to make
all your dreams come true! Never say Never my
dear dreamer!
What Do People Truly See You As? (lots of outcomes and stunning pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla
People see you as a Dreamer. You always have your
head in the clouds and long for a better place.
Dreamers are imaginative and creative and often
have a very short attention span. My
recamendation to all dreamers is to try to make
all your dreams come true! Never say Never my
dear dreamer!
What Do People Truly See You As? (lots of outcomes and stunning pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla
"You thrive on balance in all aspects of your
life. You have a great deal of passion and when
it comes to love, you like to play games. You
have a tendency to search for something better,
a search which always seems to come up short.
You have difficulty finding satisfaction in
life, but you have a great ability to get along
with almost anyone."
. : : Which Astrological Planet are You? : : . [10 Gorgeous Pics!]
brought to you by Quizilla
I was told that I have a reader {troll} who will read me even if it means heartache so I can't post any juicy stuff. I can say, however, that things are looking up and I am so very happy to have my family back together.
Of course there are a lot of this to still talk about and work out but I am ready.
I learned so much about ME and I just want to share that with him.
I have also learned that I hate to cause pain, even to those that hate me or do not know me well enough. I will post more soon, I promise.
S hurt her foot today. She is going to have pictures posted so if you wanna see the gory details go see here.
She hurt so bad that when she called she was at a whisper, had no strength at all.
Please send her healing energies so she doesn't have pain for too long.
