~Let Us Pray~
In lieu of the attacks made on London, I thought the following rite/prayer would be appropriate.
This can be done at any time by anyone.
If you are in position of a blue candle and Jasmine incense, light them both. This is nice but not a necessity.
We strive toward spirit again and again,
With faltering steps, unsure of the way.
Open the gates of enlightenment.
Make for us a new day
Of karmic purpose and goal,
A path to a new Earth soul.
Sit quietly and visualize a blue cloud of healing and peace slowly but surely covering the entire Earth. If you have a specific area in mind, work on mentally permeating that area with the blue cloud. Send out vibrations of love, understanding, cooperation, and peace. Do not think of HOW this will come about, just that it WILL.
Follow that blue cloud of peace with a pink cloud of love and say:
Let there be peace among all lands.
Let there be harmony among all peoples.
Cosmic love enters every heart and mind.
By the power of the Supreme Creator within me,
It is so!